預言與預測 - 大天使麥可 歡迎!我們在此提供服務與協助。 預言一般都不會成真,任何的預言都是根據當前的能量狀態所給出的描述,而不是那個真正稱為未來的能量狀態所給出的描述。所以任何預言都不會百分之百準確,然而所有的預言都是百分之百有幫助的。 預言的作用是讓你對可能的未來嚐鮮,之後你必須自己決定預言中的未來是不是真的你想要體驗的。預言不只針對未來,預言也可能是連結到你的過去。像是未來地球會毀滅這樣的預言,有一大部分之於你來說,是連結到你的過去,是為了讓你體驗過去你活在雷姆利亞大陸或是亞特蘭提斯的感覺。(註一) 然而針對你個人而言所做出對未來的預測也是基於相似的原理。這些預測也許是為了告訴你自己哪些在你內在連自己都不知道的渴望。它們也可能是你所必須做的某些決定的最後通牒,或是提醒你需更集中精力在你想要的事物上。 最好的預言或是預測是那些能讓你更有力量的,或是讓你明瞭你是有能力重新定義與未來的契約,讓你明瞭你有能力創造自己的經驗,及讓你看見自己不知道的可能性。所以對於預言或是預測充滿好奇心吧,注意它們如何觸動你。善用它們,從中獲得利益,透過它們成長自己,進而選擇你們想要的未來。 我們是大天使麥可,我們是永恆,我們是愛! 註一:雷姆利亞大陸(Lemuria)。亞特蘭提斯(Atlantis)。這兩個大陸或文明據傳都已經毀滅了。因為過去有在這兩塊大陸生活的經驗,世界毀滅的經驗,因此預言連結到過去那樣的經驗。 http://danielscranton.com/prophecies-predictions-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Prophecies & Predictions – Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. Prophecies often do not come true, and any prophecy can only be given from the place of where the current energies reside. So a prophecy about the future is not given from the energies of the so-called future. Therefore, no prophecy can be one hundred percent accurate, and yet, all prophecies are one hundred percent helpful. What a prophecy does is give you a taste of a probable future. You then get to decide, individually, if that is a future that you would like to experience. A prophecy may also be serving you in that it connects you to your past. A prophecy about the destruction of planet Earth, or a large section of it, gives you a taste of what it was like to live on Lemuria or Atlantis. And predictions given to you as an individual about your personal life are sometimes meant to trigger you in the same way. They may awaken within you a desire that you did not know you had. They may be the final push that you need to make a decision, or to focus more clearly on that which you want. The best prediction, or prophecy, is the one that empowers you, that acknowledges your ability to rewrite your contracts, to create your own experience, and to enable you to see a possibility that you did not know existed. So listen to the prophecies and the predictions with curiosity, and give special attention to how they trigger you. Use them, benefit from them, grow from them, and select your future accordingly. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”