靜心冥想的力量是強大的 ∞ 九次元大角星委員會 您好!我們是大角星委員會。我們非常樂意與您們連結。 當你靜下心來坐著,並將注意力放在自己的呼吸上,你就是處於最有力量的時刻。在這當下,你與內在是最緊密連結、最合一(註一),並且最覺醒。很多人以為在靜心冥想中如果腦子裡想著其他事情,那就是做錯了,那冥想就無效了。也因此人們不願意去冥想,因為大家認為自己做不來,也學不會。 但恰恰相反的是冥想中的念頭能為你帶來最深的洞見(註二),從這些念頭你可以知道什麼是你所在乎的。你可以經由關注這些念頭來改變自己的振動頻率,更可以透過這些第一時間出現的念頭來更覺知自己的情緒。所以放下靜心冥想就是要做到完美的想法!取而代之的是了解冥想的種種好處。 當你在靜心冥想時,你直接連結本源能量(註三),而你也處於接收的狀態,因此在冥想中你讓自己恢復活力。這能量本源即是真正的你(註四)。雖然在冥想中你看起來什麼事都沒做,但完成的事卻比你想像的多更多。你在這「無為」中讓一切「無不為」!(註五) 透過觀照念頭來改變自己的振動頻率進而在這宇宙所產生的效應遠勝於你思、言、行之總和。你要讓自己盡可能地利用每日零碎時間來冥想,將這些零碎時間化為給自己最好的禮物。 如果你們真的願意付諸行動,在冥想中你們會知道你們每個人都是大師,你們都擅長而且都有這樣的力量。你可以感受到自己正在擴展、轉變與連結本源。這是天賦的禮物,當你越是透過冥想來耕耘這項天賦,你也將同等的從宇宙接收到更多的禮物。 我們是大角星委員會,我們非常歡喜與您們連結。 http://danielscranton.com/meditation-is-powerful-∞the-9th-dimensional-arcturian-council/ 註一:最合一。原文most aligned 註二:洞見。原文insights 註三:本源能量。原文Source Energy 註四:真正的你。you truly are 註五:你在這「無為」中讓一切「無不為」。原文:It is in your non-action that you allow everything that you have already done to take effect 翻譯:陳威廷 Meditation is Powerful ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. When you are sitting quietly and paying attention to your breath, that is when you are at your most powerful. That is when you are the most connected, the most aligned, and the most aware. Many individuals believe that if they are thinking during meditation, then they are not doing it right, and it somehow doesn’t count. Many people give up on meditation because they believe they are not good at it, and therefore have no business doing it. But thinking during your meditation time can also bring you great insights. You can become aware of what is important to you. You can determine your vibration by paying attention to your thoughts, and you certainly can become more aware of your emotions by first noticing your thoughts. So let go of any sense of perfectionism you have when it comes to meditation, and instead focus on the benefits. When you are in a state of meditation, you are rejuvenating yourself, you are accessing more of the Source Energy that you truly are, and you are in a state of receiving. When you meditate, you are not technically doing anything, but you are accomplishing so much. It is in your non-action that you allow everything that you have already done to take effect. You affect this universe more in your attention to your vibration than all of your actions, words, and thoughts put together. Give yourselves the gift of as many minutes of meditation as you can possibly grant yourselves in a day, because it will always be time well spent. You are masters, each and every one of you, and in a meditative state, if you allow yourselves to, you can feel how masterful and powerful you are. You can feel yourself expanding, becoming, and accessing. It is a gift, and the more you receive the gift of meditation, the more you will receive from the universe. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”