降低創傷的衝擊 ∞ 麥可天使長 歡迎!我們在此提供協助與服務。 降低創傷對你們生命的衝擊是你們人生最大的挑戰之一。因為每個情況都不一樣,因此很難有一個標準程序來告訴你如何應對這些創傷。你在進入肉體生命之前是不會知道該如何應對的,因為在轉世之前你們是處在非常不同的振動頻率,因而無法了解該如何處理創傷。 因此,在你進入地球的物質體驗前,你是不會知道如何處理創傷的,但你知道你將會遇到這樣的體驗。你們有些人會比其他人經歷更多創傷,這是每個靈魂各自的選擇。 所以要如何降低這些創傷的衝擊呢?這是件棘手的事,因為在「『不願意面對』與『壓抑』」和「『全然地接受』與『領悟』」之間,你們必須謹慎處理。而降低這些創傷的衝擊意味著更快速的領悟(註一)這些創傷的經驗。 要做到更快速的領悟是透過「承認事件已經發生」(註二)、「與此事件臨在」(註三)、「讓自己真切的感受它」(註四),還有最重要的是利用「你的呼吸吐納」(註五)。透過「呼吸吐納」去避免讓這些創傷的經驗滯留在你身上。「呼吸吐納」讓你有勇氣與力量去處置這些事件。 「呼吸吐納」提醒了你真正是誰。它給你力量,而且這是你身為物質存有時唾手可得的工具。認知到你是具備大能(註六)的存有,因為你選擇了體驗這些創傷來感受真正的你,並透過生命中的種種情境來提升自己! 我們是麥可天使長,我們是永恆與無限,我們是愛。 註一:「領悟」:integrate 註二:「承認事件已經發生」:acknowledging what has occurred 註三:「與此事件臨在」:being present with it 註四:「讓自己真切的感受它」:allowing yourselves to feel into it 註五:「你的呼吸吐納」:your breath 註六:「具備大能」:you are powerful beings 來自觀音上師的註解: 有些課程就是針對「呼吸吐吶」教學的。不只是中醫、氣功、瑜伽….,國外有些新時代課程也是強調呼吸吐吶。 提昇的法門其實有很多種。禪宗、佛教、密宗….各有所長,類似真正的道教心法如呂純陽、張三豐…..這些就又是一種,都有所長…..。如果要一一學學,那真的是太寬廣,而且一生也難以學完。 在上師看來有些法是可當主要的,有些當作輔助。像瑜伽、氣功、吐吶…….都可為輔,其實只利用運動就可以釋放一些負面情緒。但以「輔助的法」當作「主要的法」,那就不夠囉~ http://danielscranton.com/minimizing-effects-trauma-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Minimizing the Effects of Trauma – Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. Minimizing the effects of traumatic experiences in your lives is one of your biggest challenges. There is no telling how you are going to respond to certain scenarios. You cannot know this before you incarnate, because where you are before you incarnate is so very different vibrationally. So you enter your physical Earth experience not knowing how you will experience trauma, but you do know that you will experience it. Some of you take on more than others. This is a choice made by the individual soul. So how do you minimize the effects of these traumatic experiences? It is very tricky business, because you walk a fine line between denial, or suppression, and full acceptance and integration. Minimizing the effects means that you move more quickly into the integrative experience. And the way that you do this is by acknowledging what has occurred, being present with it, allowing yourselves to feel into it, and most importantly, by remembering to use your breath. Using your breath to move energy keeps you from staying stuck in the traumatic experience. It allows you to process through it with courage and strength. The breath reminds you of who you are. It empowers you, and it is something that is available to you in every moment of your existence as a physical being. Recognize that you are powerful beings who choose to experience trauma so that you can feel who you really are, rising above whatever the circumstance is in your lives. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”