釋放自我懷疑 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 沒有理由讓我去懷疑自己。我即是我!我就是這樣的我!因此,為什麼我要去懷疑自己呢?怎麼會有理由讓我那樣做呢?在你嘗試與自己和睦相處的過程中,你時常體驗到自我懷疑。你懷疑自己的能力、你懷疑自己是否有價值、你懷疑自己是否值得被愛。 這樣的自我懷疑是會造成傷害的,而我就這樣看到你們都這樣對待自己。這種懷疑是自己加諸於己的,它是具有破壞性的!然而,知道這些之後你接下來要怎麼做呢?你要如何去釋放這些懷疑?你要如何一勞永逸的自此之後都相信自己? 怎麼做到存在於你說的話語與你採取的行動之中。透過「給自己所需要的」與「做自己喜歡做的事」來為自己展現你是多麽有價值!告訴自己你是多值得被愛的,這完全不是任何有價值的東西可以比擬的。告訴自己你是多值得被愛的,因為你有能力去感受愛,而光這個理由就足夠了。 事實上你們是習慣的動物,當你們養成習慣去做支持自己的事情時,你們也養成了習慣去告訴自己;你是多麽值得被愛的,這時自我懷疑就再也無法偷溜進來了。而在這情況下,沒有自我懷疑存在的餘地。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你們! http://danielscranton.com/releasing-selfdoubt-quan-yin/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Releasing Self-Doubt ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. I have no reason to doubt myself. I am who I am, and I am what I am. And therefore, why would I doubt myself? What reason could I have to do so? In your attempts to live in harmony with yourselves, you often experience doubt. You doubt your abilities. You doubt your worthiness. You doubt that you are lovable. This doubt is crippling, and yet I witness all of you using it on yourselves. This doubt is self-imposed, and it is destructive. So how do you do it then? How do you release the doubt? How do you believe in yourselves, once and for all? It is in your words, and it is in your actions. Demonstrate to yourselves how worthy you are by giving yourselves what you need and by doing what you love to do. Tell yourselves how lovable you are, not because of anything that could be measured. Tell yourselves how lovable you are because you have the capacity to feel love, and that is enough. You are in fact creatures of habit, and when you get in the habit of doing that which supports you, and you get in the habit of telling yourselves how lovable you are, well then there is no way that doubt can creep in. There is no room for doubt under those circumstances. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”