邁向合一的變動 ∞ 觀音 (註一) 是我,觀音。 有一個意識上的變動正在地球上進行著,這變動將讓你們所有更緊密的結合。無論你們從新聞中、從當前的局勢中、從你們的政治活動與衝突中看到什麼,這變動都持續發生。正因為那些你們從媒體及網路上看到的促使這樣的變動進行著。 有時你們需要一個「催化劑」來讓你們更緊密的結合。我的意思不是這催化劑會讓你們更緊密團結的去對抗那個扮演「催化劑」的角色。我說的是這會促使這活動中所有一切趨向合一。為了讓地球上所有的靈魂更加緊密的結合,這需要你去關注那些扮演「壞蛋」的角色。你們不只需要他們為你扮演「催化劑」的角色,你也需要透過他們來反射出、來反省到「自己的內在究竟存在什麼」(註二)。 為了達到合一,你不需要為自己擺脫任何人或任何事。你們所尋求的和諧世界將先從你們每個人以及所有人的內在世界先達成。你會發現,當存在於你內在的黑暗(註三)被擾動起、被激起;而你發現你無處可逃也無處可躲時,這當下就是你能最深層的觸及你內在的平靜與和諧的時刻。 你願意此時此刻來到這裡、被惹毛、被干涉、被搞得大發雷霆、被激勵(註四),這些都是顯示你力量的跡象。這朝向合一的變動是無法停下來的,也無法慢下來。但它將可以被經驗到,而由你自己決定要給自己多平穩或是刺激的旅途。所有的道路都通往合一、都朝向意識合一、以及無條件的愛! 我是觀音,我用心守護著你們。 http://danielscranton.com/oneness-movement-quan-yin/ 註一:標題「邁向合一的變動」,原文 The Oneness Movement。這裡雖用「合一」二字但和印度的「合一大學」「合一中心」以及任何有關「合一」為名的心靈團體「沒有任何關係」! 註二:「反射出、來反省到『自己的內在究竟存在什麼』」原文 the reflection of something that is within you。reflection在此翻譯成「反射出、反省到」,以免因為翻譯而失去了reflection這個字的多面向意義。 註三:「你內在的黑暗」原文 the darkness 註四:「來到這裡、被惹毛、被干涉、被搞得大發雷霆、被激勵」原文 to be here now, to be triggered, to be poked and prodded at, to be activated 翻譯:陳威廷 The Oneness Movement ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. There is a conscious movement on planet Earth, and the movement is bringing you all closer together. This is happening in spite of what you are seeing in the news, in your current events, and in your political rallies and debates. This movement is taking place because of what you are seeing broadcast on your televisions and on your Internet. Sometimes you need a catalyst to bring you all together, and I am not talking about bringing you all together in unity against those who would act as your catalysts. I am speaking about including all in this movement towards unity. The coming together of souls on planet Earth requires you to look at those who are playing the role of ‘the bad guy.’ You need them not only to act as the catalysts that they are, but you also need them to provide you with the reflection of something that is within you. There is no need for you to rid yourselves of anyone or anything in order to achieve unity. The harmony that you seek in the outer world will first be achieved within each and every one of you. You will find that when the darkness gets stirred up within you and there is nowhere for you to run and hide from it, that is the moment when you have greatest access to inner peace and harmony. Your willingness to be here now, to be triggered, to be poked and prodded at, to be activated, are all signs of your strength. The movement towards oneness cannot be stopped. It cannot even be slowed down. But it will be experienced, and you are deciding how smooth or rocky of a ride you give yourselves along this path. All paths lead to oneness, to unity consciousness, and to unconditional love. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”