逆境之美 -- 麥可天使長 歡迎!我們在此提供服務與協助。 當你回顧你的人生,你發現自己可以從過去經歷過的災難、失敗、與任何不順心的事物中,看到它們所帶來的禮物,這時你已經超越了所有你可以為自己設立的目標。如果你做成任何你想做的事、得到任何你想得到的東西,你明瞭到這麼一來你就無法欣賞到這些伴隨著逆境、痛苦、與缺陷而來的禮物的價值。 它們不是像在戰爭中受傷所獲頒的榮譽勳章那樣,我們說的不是這個。我們是很單純的請你去看,看這些生命中的不順、障礙、和困難如何引領你得到更有價值的東西。 除了經歷過痛苦與磨難之外,有些東西是你無法體會到的。如果你可以去感激這些因痛苦與磨難所伴隨而來的禮物,那麼你所獲得的,將是無論你完成任何事情都無法比擬的。而為了獲得它們,花時間去感激是必要的! 你必須要自己決定什麼才是你人生中真正的成功,你必須要自己定義屬於你的成功條件。如果你給自己的設定是我要得到某樣東西之後才會擁有快樂,那麼你就錯過了通往幸福的康莊大道。 通往幸福的康莊大道是從你的內在獲得的。為了快樂你不需要忽略任何東西,也不用假裝事物不是它們原本的模樣。當你可以從人生的逆境中看到它們所帶來的美好時,你就擁有了一切。而這一切若不經由投生到地球身為人類的經驗上,你是無法獲得的。 我們是麥可天使長,我們是永恆,我們是愛。 http://danielscranton.com/beauty-tragedy-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Beauty Within Tragedy – Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. When you are taking stock of your lives, and you are able to discover the gifts within the tragedies, within the failures, within all of the ways in which your life has not measured up by your standards, you have actually exceeded all of the goals that you have ever set. You see, if you accomplished everything that you set out to do, and if you had everything that you have ever desired, you would not then be able to appreciate how much adversity, pain, and shortcomings have to give you. They are not your badges of honor to be worn like war wounds. That is not what we are saying. We are simply asking you to look for the ways in which the detours, the obstacles, and the pitfalls have led you to something even better. And when you take the moment of time that is required to appreciate all that you have around you, all that you may not have had without the tragedy or the failure, you are giving yourself so much more than any accomplishment could give you. You must be the one who decides what real success is in life. You must be the one to define success in your own terms. If you create the goal in order to get something so that you can then feel happy, you are missing the direct route. The direct route to happiness is to find it within you. And you don’t need to ignore anything in order to be happy. You don’t need to pretend that things are different than how they actually are. When you look for the opportunity for beauty within tragedy, you have everything that you need, everything that could ever come from having a human experience on planet Earth. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”