負面想法的樂趣 - 創始者 (註) 受祝福的你 透過允許自己把負面想法當成一種樂趣,你也允許自己了知當下心處何處。你越是試圖去修正,替換或用其他東西去掩蓋這個負面的想法,你就越不明瞭當下這個時刻之於你的價值。 你要敞開心胸的去接受這負面的想法,去接受你就是那個正擁有負面想法的人,去接受負面想法的存在是必要的,而且在你的實相中是必須的部份! 當你說了或是想了那些會被你自己或是任何人認為是負面的事物時,並不表示你想要永遠的把持這個負面的觀點。你只是和這個想法在一起太久所以今天讓它出來透透氣而已。這有什麼問題呢? 你唯一需要警惕的是關於當下的覺知,如果你能意識到當下你正在想什麼,這樣就足夠了。 你每天都會以許許多多不同的面向呈現,沒有任何一個面向是錯誤的。所有的面向都是有效用的,而且只要你允許自己去體驗這個面向,你就有能力去選擇哪個是你要抓住的。 對你來說最沒有必要的是去評斷他們的對錯與合宜與否。當你肯讓自己每隔一段時間就可以有一些負面想法時,你真的覺得更解放了,可以更自由的選擇。 需要做到完美,或是時時正向思考,其實這是你用以否認某些事情的做法,而這樣會非常侷限你的人生與過生活的方式。我們希望你能體驗到那種自由,那自由來自允許自己就是自己本是的狀態與允許自己去思考你想思考的。 我們是創始者,我們是火焰的守護者 註:「創始者」原文是Funders。我翻譯成創始者,但是感覺不太抓到他的本意。另外有一篇關於「創始者」的文章,我日後再翻譯。 http://danielscranton.com/the-luxury-of-a-negative-thought-the-founders/ 翻譯:陳威廷 The Luxury of a Negative Thought – The Founders “Blessings. By allowing yourselves the luxury of a negative thought, you are giving yourselves permission to be precisely where you are. The sooner you seek to repair, replace, or cover up that negative thought with something else, the less you value yourselves in that moment. Be willing to accept the negative thought, and be willing to accept yourselves as the one who is having the negative thought. Be willing to accept the negative thought as valid and as a necessary component of your reality. When you say something or think something that could be deemed negative by you or by someone else, you are not saying that you want to hold that perspective forevermore. You are simply being with the thought long enough to give it its day in the sun. And what is wrong with that? The only thing that you have to be vigilant about is your awareness. And if you are aware of the thought that you are thinking, then that is enough. You are each being presented with a variety of perspectives in every day. None of those perspectives is wrong. All of them are valid, and only when you allow yourselves to experience the perspective are you able to choose then which one you want to hold. But it is never necessary for you to judge any of them as wrong or inappropriate. And when you allow yourselves to have a negative thought every once in a while, you actually feel more liberated, freer to choose. The need to be perfect and always positive is one that you adopt when you are in denial of something, and that can be a very restrictive way of living your lives. We wish for you to experience the freedom that comes from allowing yourselves to be where you are and to think what you think. We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”