讓生活有趣 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 如果你真的要實現你的自由,那就找個新方式去做那些你已經做過千百次的事。在你創造的天賦當中加入自由吧!為你的生活注入更多喜樂最簡單方法就是讓你每日生活中乏味的工作變得更歡喜、更有趣、更好玩。 而你是有能力這樣做的,它是一個選擇。你可以選擇將那些相同的舊工作看成是枯燥乏味的、讓人腦死的,或是你也可以將它們看成是表現創意的機會、展現這是什麼樣的你的機會。你將會發現那些你曾深信的苦差事可以變成你一天當中最開心的部分。 所以要怎麼做呢?要怎樣轉換呢?從意圖自己想要經驗到更多的喜樂開始!進而祈求啟發與靈感!再之讓這些靈感來到你身邊!一旦你開始實行這些來到你身邊的靈感,你就會發現它們像滾雪球一樣越滾越多。突然,更多的靈感來到你身邊,這一切變得越來越好玩。 我建議你可以協同朋友一起實行,當然自己也得實行。特別是請求神燈精靈幫忙。祂們超會讓事情變得好玩。也讓自己成為自己的神燈精靈,使用你的神力,讓你的生活更有創意、更栩栩如生、以及更好玩,因為這是你想要的人生。而你就是那個決定你要體驗什麼人生版本的人! 我是觀音,我用心守護著你們。 http://danielscranton.com/life-fun-quan-yin/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Make Life Fun ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. If you really want to exercise your freedom, then find new ways of doing things that you have done many times before. Take liberties with your creative license. The easiest way for you to infuse more joy into your lives is to make the mundane tasks of everyday living more joyous, more fun, more playful. And you have the ability to do that. It is a choice. You can choose to see the same old task as being tedious and mind numbing, or you can see it as an opportunity for creative expression and for the expression of who you are. You may discover that something you once believed was a chore can actually be the most enjoyable part of your day. So how do you make it happen? How do you make this shift? You start by intending for the experience you are about to have to be more joyous, and then you ask for inspiration and ideas. And then you allow those ideas to come to you. Once you begin to put the ideas into practice, you will find that it has a snowball effect. Suddenly, more inspiration comes to you and the activity becomes more and more fun. I suggest that you do this with a friend and also by yourself. Especially, ask the faeries for help. They are so gifted at making everything more fun. Become your faerie self, access your faerie energy, and make your lives more creative, more expressive, and more joyous because that is the life you want to lead. And you are the ones deciding which version of your own life you experience. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”