說「不」的力量 — 麥可天使長 歡迎!我們在此提供服務與協助。 回顧人生,你常常碰到那種人家要求你幫忙但是實際上你卻一點也不想的時刻。可是你卻會說「好」,你們當中有些人比其他人更會這樣。這種人情義務原本是要讓請求你們幫忙的人得到協助的。 但在人情義務的立場,沒有什麼比在你該說「不」的時候說「不」還更能幫助到你們。說「不」並不是拒絕對方。說「不」是認知到你當下真正的立場。也許在別的時間點你就會願意幫著對方。 但當你說「好」可是你卻不真正想幫助他們時,你讓自己有機會去不爽,而不爽是大家都不想要的感覺。因為在其中沒有力量,且實際上是相當沈重的。 你或許會覺得你虧欠他們什麼,因為在以前他們幫過你。你或許決定幫助他們的原因是因為想到過去他們也幫過你,但是你不需要這樣斤斤計較。如果別人為你做了什麼,而這是出於他們真心誠意的想要服務你,那你接受他們的服務也是一種服務他們的行為。 但是你們人類通常不這樣想。你們通常在自己不大願意的時候說「好」,而我們在假日常常從你們身上看到這種情況。所以我們建議你們在每個時刻都尊重自己的感受,也建議你們深情地對別人的請求說「不」吧。 我們是麥可天使長,我們是永恆,我們是愛。 http://danielscranton.com/power-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 The Power of No ∞Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. Taking your personal history into account, there have been many instances where you have been asked to do something that you didn’t really want to do. And you may have said, ‘yes’ on several occasions, some of you more often than others. These acts of obligation are meant to be of service to those who are making the request of you. But anything that you do from that place of obligation is no more of service than if you had said, ‘no.’ Saying no is not a rejection of the other person. Saying no is an acknowledgement of where you are in any particular moment. You may feel the desire to do what the other person is asking at another time. But when you say, ‘yes’ and you offer to do it when you do not feel aligned with doing it, you are creating an opening for resentment. Resentment is not something that anyone wants to feel. There’s no power in it. It is quite crippling in fact. You may feel that you owe someone something because they have done for you at another time. You may justify acting out of obligation with the memory of their help, but you do not need to settle any scores with anyone. If someone does something for you from that place of genuine desire to be of service, then your acceptance of their help is also an act of service. But humans often don’t see it that way. You often give when you don’t really want to, and we are aware that this is something that happens quite a bit around the holidays. So we are suggesting that you honor yourselves in every moment and that from time to time you lovingly say no to someone’s request. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”