觀點即是創造 — 麥可天使長 歡迎!我們在此提供服務與協助。 你對實相的觀點,就是你正在創造的。對於相同的東西、相同的人、相同的事件可以有許許多多不同的觀點。是你、只能透過你來決定如何看待眼前的人事物,但多數時候在做這決定時,你的表意識(註一)並不參與其中。 換句話說,大多數時並不是由「你」(註二)來決定對實相的觀點。它通常由你潛意識中的「程式」(註三)來決定。有件事在這邊我們必須說清楚:這些在潛意識中的「程式」都是你自己接收到並且選擇的結果。因此你不是它們的受害者。 一旦你醒悟到它們,你就可以看出它們的本質,而「你」也拿回對實相觀點的選擇權。你進而決定要讓什麼樣的實現展現在你面前!(註四) 所以首先!覺察你的觀點!覺察你如何無意識的讓潛意識中的「程式」來決定你對實相的觀點,在覺察的同時記得不要帶著批判。之後決心讓自己更自覺的選擇自己的觀點。為了改變你的人生體驗,你可以透過選擇不同的實相觀點來達成。 這是轉移你到自己喜愛的實相中的方法之一。你越是能用利益自己的方式來覺察實相,你就越能有意識地創造一個讓自己輕鬆自在享受的實相。 我們是麥可天使長,我們是永恆,我們是愛。 註一:原文 your conscious ,在此翻譯成「你的表意識」。 註二:這邊特別強調「你」。因為做決定的不是你的「表意識」而是你潛意識中的「程式」。 註三:原文 programming ,在此翻譯成「你潛意識中的『程式』」。 註四:這段落請注意三個階段:1. 醒悟因此看出本質。2.拿回選擇權。3.進而開始創造。 http://danielscranton.com/perception-creative-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Perception is Creative ∞Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. In your perception of reality, you are creating it. There are so many different ways to perceive the same thing, the same person, or the same event. It is you and only you who determines how you perceive the reality that is before you, and that decision is usually made without your conscious participation. In other words, you are not usually deciding how to perceive your reality. More often than not, you let programming determine that perception. We want to be clear about one thing – you have chosen whatever programming you have received. So you are not a victim of that programming. But once you wake up to it, you can then see it for what it is. And then you have the option of deciding how you want to perceive your reality. And that will determine what reality shows up in front of you. So first of all, notice your perceptions. Notice how you have been choosing unconsciously to perceive your reality, and do so without judgment. And then decide that you can choose more consciously. You can see your reality differently in order to shift your experience of it. This is one of the ways you shift into a reality that is more to your liking. The more that you decide to perceive your reality in a way that serves you, the better you become at creating a reality consciously that you will enjoy effortlessly. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”