親密關係 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音 對親密關係中的另一半敞開自己需要展現自己脆弱的一面。你們必須允許自己展現真正的自己。這是為什麼你們要發展親密關係極重要的關鍵。不是因為你們需要另一半來填滿自己或讓自己完整(註一)。你們的結合是為了幫助彼此療癒,也是因為完整的揭露自己是很健康的行為。在你們的進化中,讓真實的自己被看見、被聽見、被感受到、甚至完整揭露是必要的。 你們許多人都想尋覓完美伴侶,這是因為你們覺得自己不完美,所以你們會有需要完美的另一半來補足自己不完美的想法。你們有些人的確找到這種完美的伴侶而且很快地發現到她/他們將使你不掩瑕的展現自己、使你展現自己的脆弱面、甚至更多更多。 當你們感覺到其他人有你所沒有的東西、有你所沒有的特質、態度、或是某種吸引力時,這只會放大你們的不安全感、放大你們缺乏自愛的感受。所以對於你們人類的親密關係我樂於見到的是你們可以完全的坦承自己、允許自己展現自己亂七八糟的一面、允許自己展現脆弱的一面、以及全然地揭露自己。 當你們可以做到這樣時就是療癒的開始,這時對方的愛可以幫助你們說服自己那不矯情造作真實的自己是值得愛的。為什麼你們就是會被這樣的人(註二)吸引或是喜歡上這樣的人?是因為你們的高我完全知道你們的需求,所以你們會一直被這樣的人吸引,而這樣的人剛好扮演你們在這方面成長的催化劑。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/romantic-relationships-quan-yin/ 註一:你讓我完整。請參照阿湯哥電影「征服情海」。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpWAlvWNZj0 註二:「這樣的人」指的是會讓自己展現自己不願被別人看到的一面的人。 翻譯:陳威廷 Romantic Relationships ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. Opening yourself to another requires you to be vulnerable. You need to allow yourself permission to be exactly who you are. This is at the heart of why you connect in romantic relationship. It is not because you need the other person to be whole and to be complete. You come together to help each other heal. You come together because it is healthy for you to be exposed. It is a necessary part of your evolution to allow yourselves to be seen, to be heard, to be felt, to be experienced as you are. Many of you are looking for the perfect mate because you feel imperfect yourself. So you have this notion, this idea that the perfect other will compensate for your imperfections. And some of you actually find these mates and soon recognize that they are also going to prompt you to expose yourself and be vulnerable, perhaps even more so. When you feel that someone else has something that you do not have, some quality, some attribute, or some degree of attractiveness, that only magnifies your feelings of insecurity, your lack of self-love. So what I love to see in human relationships is when you let it all hang out, when you give yourselves permission to be messy, to have imperfections, and to be vulnerable and exposed. And when you are, when you accomplish this, that is when the healing can begin. That is when the love of another can help you convince yourself that you are lovable just as you are. The primary reason why you feel drawn to connect with one another in that way is because your higher self knows precisely what you need, and so you will always be attracted to those who will be the catalysts for this type of growth experience. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”