處理情緒 ∞ 麥可天使長 歡迎。我們在此提供服務與協助。 處理情緒並不像你想的那麼老套、那麼乏善可陳。處理情緒不像喝啤酒,一口就吞下整個關於這個情緒的體驗。一點一滴慢慢的體驗情緒經驗才是對你有益的。所以當你要處理情緒時,要像喝紅酒一樣慢慢去感受它、去聆聽它,也允許情緒以它們本來的樣貌呈現。這樣做某方面來說你就是在訓練自己。 對你真正好的做法不是去排除情緒或一勞永逸的丟棄它。相反的,我們建議你用初體驗般的心態去體驗它。雖然你會覺得自己對這個情緒已經再熟悉不過了,但它絕對不會和你想的一樣,因為你也不會永遠一樣。 所以,要意識到你是在進化提升的!身為一個情緒的感受者,你必須讓自己去處理這些情緒。你要讓自己全然的關注這些情緒,並永遠體認到情緒都將助益你,它們是你每個當下所需的錦囊妙計。 一旦你可以不基於恐懼與批判去處理你的情緒,你就可以體驗到其中的妙不可言。之後,你就能用全新的視角去體驗它們,它們也成為你的朋友,你的共同創造夥伴。 當你這樣做時,無論是什麼樣的情緒,你都可以從中擷取力量。無論是正面的或是負面的情緒,它都蘊含著力量,而這力量可以任身為情緒體驗者的你所驅使、所駕馭。 我們是麥可天使長!我們是永恆與無限,我們是愛! http://danielscranton.com/processing-emotions-archangel-mi…/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Processing Emotions – Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. Processing an emotion is not as cut and dried as you might think. It is not as though you get through the entire experience of that emotion in one sitting, and it is to your benefit that you don’t take on the entirety of the experience all at once. So when you are processing an emotion, feeling it, breathing it, allowing it to be, you are in a sense training yourself. And it serves you very well to not try to get past anything, or to do away with something once and for all. Instead, we invite you to experience every emotion as though it were the first time you were feeling it. It may seem like a familiar feeling, like something you have experienced many times before. But it will not be exactly the same, because you are never exactly the same. So recognize your evolution, as the feeler of the emotion, as you allow that emotion to be processed through you. Give it your full and complete attention. See it always as coming to serve you and to deliver to you exactly what you need to know in the moment. Once you have processed your emotions without fear or judgment, you are then able to sense the nuance within them. You are able then to experience them from a whole new perspective. You can begin to see them as your friends, your co-creators. And when you do so, you will begin to syphon power from them, no matter what the emotion is. Whether it is positive or negative, it carries power within it, power that can be harnessed and utilized by you, the experiencer of the emotion. We are Michael. We are infinite. WE are Love.”