業力 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音! 什麼是業力?對你們來說「與別人之間的業力牽連」意義是什麼?這意義和你們想的不大一樣。除非是好的業力,不然你們有些人當業力是一種懲罰,但鮮少是那樣的。你們很少提到源自於其他世的好業力,但這樣的好業力是一定存在,如果它的相反惡業是存在的話。 所以當事情順你的意時,你們會歸功於這輩子的功勞?還是過去世做好事的結果?當事情不順你的意時,有些人則會談論到過去世的因果,另一些人會覺得是這輩子的影響,因為那是你可以控制的。 關鍵是:「無論目前你所處的情況是好是壞,重要的是你如何面對眼前的情況?你該問自己的問題是『我如何讓它來利益我?』『我如何更珍愛它一點?』『我如何陶醉在其中,並且品嚐這個好運?』」 無論在你眼前的是什麼,面對它(註一)、並對它感到興趣、且放下過去你對它的成見與包袱。將你的生命看成美麗的綻放,而生命的目的是為了你的進化。 你的進化不需要是艱苦的戰役或是掙扎。它可是快樂的旅途,而你可以將自己視為眼前所面對的一切的創造者,因為你比你所認知的你更加宏偉、更加廣大。至於你在什麼時候為自己創造這些一點也不重要,重要的是你要明白你是為了利益自己而創造它們。這也是你們擅長的。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/karma-quan-yin/ 註一:「面對它」。原文 be present with it。也可譯為「與之同在」。譯者認為「面對它」較為生動。 譯者:陳威廷 Karma ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. What is karma? What does that mean to you, to have karma with someone else? It means something different to each of you. Some of you see it as punishment, unless it’s good karma. But it rarely is. You rarely talk about good karma from other lifetimes, but that must exist if its opposite does. So when things are going your way, do you like to take credit for it in this lifetime, or do you like to think that you earned that good fortune in a past life? And when things are not going your way, some of you like to talk about a past life and others of you would prefer to see it as something that you have done in this lifetime, because then it’s something you have control over. But the bottom line is this: it does not matter how your circumstances came to be what they are. It only matters what you do with what is in front of you. ‘How can this be of service to me?’ is a question worth asking yourself. ‘How can I love this a little more? How can I enjoy and savor this good fortune?’ Whatever it is that is in front of you, be present with it, be curious about it, and release it from any and all attachments that you may have placed upon it. See your lives as unfolding beautifully and always for the purpose of your evolution. Your evolution does not have to be an uphill battle or a struggle. It can be a joyous journey, and you can see yourselves as the creators of everything that is in front of you, because you are so much more than what you have known yourselves to be. And it does not matter when you created it, just so long as you realize that you created it to serve you. That is how good you are. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”