最令人滿足的經驗 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 你所能獲得最滿足的經驗就是超越自己認知的極限。當你開始體認更恢宏的自己,你就越能體驗這樣的感受。你會發現物質世界的欲求已經無法滿足自己,與體驗更恢宏的自己相比,它們顯得相形失色。 物質世界的實相對你來說一直都是神奇的遊戲場,它的目的只有一個,就是讓你擴展自己成更恢宏的版本。這過程是無可避免的,它是你終極的命運,也是你唯一你無法閃躲的事情。也因此你會想把更多的注意力放在自己身上,以讓自己好好享受這段旅程,以擴展你的生命經驗。 最簡單擴展你生命經驗的方式就是去「感受」它,而不是專注在用新的方法去做你已經知道自己做得到的事情。去體驗了解真我、認識本我、塑造自我。 為自己的能量場感到著迷吧!多留意存在自己身邊的能量場,從中你可以找到我這裡所說最深層的體驗。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你們! http://danielscranton.com/satisfying-experience-quan-yin/ 翻譯:陳威廷 The Most Satisfying Experience ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. Taking yourselves beyond what you believed you were capable of doing or being is the most satisfying experience you can have. You are beginning to tap in to more of who you are, and that experience will keep you engaged. You will find that you are no longer satisfied with what you have desired in the physical, because it will pale in comparison to experiencing more of yourself. The physical reality has been a wonderful playground for you, and its purpose has always been singular. Its purpose has always been the expansion of who you are. The becoming of who you are is inevitable. That is your true destiny. That is the only thing that you cannot avoid. So you may wish to pay a bit more attention to yourselves, so that you can enjoy the ride, and so you can stretch the boundaries that you have experienced around you. The easiest way for you to experience this becoming is to feel for it. Rather than focusing on the new abilities and trying to do the things that you know you will be able to do in the near future, give yourselves the experience of knowing who you are, what you have become, and what you are becoming. Become fascinated by your own energy fields. Become more aware of the energy that immediately surrounds you, because in it you can have a visceral experience of what I am talking about. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”