新觀點看待事物 - 麥可天使長 歡迎!我們在此提供服務與協助。 在你意識轉化的過程中,你必須承擔以不同觀點看待事物的挑戰。新觀點看待事物能讓你更多元,也能讓你接受別人做出和你不一樣的選擇。新觀點看待事物不是去強行控制,也不是一種成規。 在你開始用新觀點看待事物的冒險後,你沒有必要去拋棄任何早已形成的舊觀點。你也不需要為了拋棄這些舊觀點而用任何東西去掩飾他們。恰恰相反的是正因為採用新的觀點看待事物,你反而不用去摧毀它們。 你不必因此而去摧毀舊觀點之於任何人,任何宗教,任何企業或是任何政府。這些舊的觀點依然存在於新的實相當中,只是你已經不再選擇去經歷他們。是這新觀點讓你海納百川,它讓你不將自己視為較優越的,也不將有別與己的視為劣等。 採用的新觀點不只讓你認知到這一切都是無常變化,並且接納它們。你不需要死抓著任何東西,不再需要墨守一堆成規與原則。新觀點讓你更有彈性,更有空間去成長,更有空間去體驗。究竟上來說,更有空間去愛。 愛使你更有能力同時去接受多個觀點,去兼容舊與新,而當自己只是在體驗這一切的體驗者而已。這轉變是新的契機,為的是讓你知道,你即是這一切的觀點,這就是最終的擴展。 我們是麥可天使長,我們是永恆,我們是愛! http://danielscranton.com/perspective-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 The New Perspective – Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. In the shifting of your consciousness, you have taken on a different perspective. The new perspective allows for there to be greater diversity. The new perspective allows others to make choices that are different from yours. The new perspective is not one of control. It is not one of need. In your creation of the new perspective that you have taken on, you have not needed to abolish any of the old perspectives. You have not needed to bury them underneath anything to make them go away. This is worth recognizing and noting because in your creation of the new, there is no need for you to destroy that which has been. There is no need for you to take down any person, any religion, any corporation, or any government. They all still get to exist in the new reality, but you do not have to choose to experience any of them. So the new perspective that you are taking on is inclusive. It does not see itself as better, and it does not see any other perspective as worse. The new perspective that you are taking on recognizes that it is in a constant state of change and it accepts that. There is no need to cling. There is no need to write down lists of rules and regulations. There is more flexibility in your new perspective. There is more room for growth, more room for experience, and ultimately, more room for love. Love gives you the ability to hold more than one perspective at once, to see them both as valid, and to see yourself as simply the experiencer. That which you are shifting to creates new opportunities for knowing yourselves as all perspectives, and that is the ultimate in expansion. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”