放手並走入內在 -- 麥可天使長 歡迎!我們在此提供服務與協助。 只需要一個步驟,你就可以對你生命中人事物放手,這個簡單的步驟就是進入你的內在。當你進入內在去探求任何你想要在這個物質世界得到的東西時,你所獲得的將比真正在這物質世界得到那東西、那個人、那份工作、或是金錢,要來得多更多。 你也許會好奇我們是什麼意思。到底什麼是進入內在?怎麼知道自己一直在追求的是在外在?只要透過「進入自己內在探求」這樣的意圖,這樣的鎖反應就開始啟動了。這不是什麼你需要弄明白的事情,和有沒有找對脈輪也沒關係,也不是要靜坐好多小時才是對的。 一但你有了這樣的意圖,你就進入自己的內在,而這工作也就完成了。此刻唯一剩下要做的就是讓它自己為你顯現。讓自己對它怎麼出現、何時出現感到驚訝吧。讓你所追尋的在天時地利人和之際於自我內在綻放吧。 每個你有覺察到內在正發生什麼的當下,都是寶貴的時刻,值得你細細品味。你的在內世界是你的庇護所,是你的聖殿。你們是強而有力的生命體,透過實際行動,你們已經完成了所有你能完成的。現在是透過「放手與走入內心」來看看它能為你完成什麼的時刻。 我們是麥可天使長,我們是永恆,我們是愛。 http://danielscranton.com/letting-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Letting Go and Going Within – Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. The process of letting go of someone or something in your lives is only one step, and that step is simply to go within yourself. When you look within yourself for anything that you seek in your physical environment, you gain so much more than you could from the acquisition of the thing, or the person, or the job, or the money. So what do we mean by that, you might wonder? What exactly is going within, and how do you find that which you have been looking for outside of you? By intending to seek that which you desire within yourself, the wheels are set in motion. It’s not something you have to figure out. It’s not a matter of finding the right chakra or meditating for the correct number of hours. Once you make the intention, and you go within, your work is done. The only thing left to do at that moment is to let it reveal itself to you. Let yourselves be surprised by how it comes, when it comes. Let the emergence of that which you seek blossom within you in the perfect timing. Every moment that you are aware of what is happening within you is a precious moment worth savoring. Your inner world is your sanctuary. You are powerful beings who have done all that you can through action. Now is the time where it will be revealed to you how much can be achieved by letting go and going within. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”