擺脫限制 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 我歡迎你們所有人一起加入,與我一起體驗無限的潛能。你們現在所處的境界讓你們經驗到較少的自由度,因此也造就了你們在內的限制性信念。由於這樣的限制性信念在你們的經驗中佔了絕大部分,因此你們有時也忘了自己才是創造那個限制的人。 你們才是那給自己限制性經驗的人。一旦你們對這個認知覺醒;你們肯定會的;剩下的就是什麼時候的問題了。什麼時候你才決定不再繼續玩這個限制遊戲?你們多數人會繼續玩這個遊戲是因為這一切一直是你們所有人僅知的。所以即使你們讓自己的腦袋沈浸在「我是沒有限制且無邊無際」的想法中,你們還是會回歸到認知自己是活在限制中的存有。 你的實相不能決定你對它的看法,你的實相也無法定義內在的你真正是誰,因此你們還是可以體驗到這宇宙中的法則,那法則就是沒有「限制法則」這回事。 這「限制法則」是一項共識,但也是你們集體決定擺脫的共識。而你們當中那些願意擁抱這篇訊息並將自己視為那「無邊無際之光與愛的存有」(註一)的人將成為其他所有人類的先驅典範。當你開始這樣做時;當你開始體驗自己的無邊無際時,你所感受到的喜樂將是無法衡量的! 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/releasing-limitation-quan-yin/ 註一:「無邊無際之光與愛的存有」原文 limitless beings of light and Love 翻譯:陳威廷 Releasing Limitation ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. I welcome you all to join me. Join me in the experience of limitless possibility. You are in a realm where you experience less freedom, and that has created within you a belief in limitation. Because limitation is such a big part of your experience, you sometimes forget that you are the ones creating the limitation. You are the ones giving yourselves the experience of limitation. Once you awaken to that knowing, which you most certainly have, it then becomes a question of when. When are you going to decide that you no longer want to play the game of limitation? Most of you continue to play the game because it’s all you have ever known. So even if you can wrap your minds around the idea that you are limitless and infinite, you still come back to the knowing of yourselves as beings who exist in limitation. Your reality does not determine your perception of it, and your reality does not define who you are within it. And so while you may still experience laws in this universe, there is no law of limitation. That is an agreement, but it is also an agreement that you are collectively deciding to release. And those of you who are willing to embrace these words, and are willing to see yourselves as limitless beings of light and Love are the ones who will pave the way for the rest of humanity. And when you do, when you begin to experience yourselves as limitless, the amount of joy you will feel will be immeasurable. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”