擁抱你的情緒 ∞ 昴宿星七高委 我們是昴宿星七高委,我們非常高興為您們奉獻智慧之語 有時候,你會感受到一些情緒,但你卻不知道這些情緒從何而來。你不知道是什麼觸發了這些情緒。你經常在想,為什麼自己會有這樣的情緒呢?如果這個情緒是不好的,你會用腦袋去合理化它,因為你們傾向於排斥負面的情緒。但如果這個情緒「感覺良好」(註一),你也會用腦袋去思考它從何而來,因為你們想要更多這種良好的感覺。 但是我們建議你們放下想要用腦袋去探索的想法,放下想要了解並且合理化為什麼會有這個情緒的需求。相反的,去體認到這情緒就是一個體驗,這情緒就是你正在經歷的體驗。而你現在可以做的是去接受它、或是去否認它、甚至是壓抑它。但無論是好壞情緒,只要你去體驗它,你就能從中獲益。 它不只能提醒你該注意的地方,也能讓你匡正自己與自省(註二)。另外之所以有這樣的情緒也是因為有這樣的能量想要「迸發」出來(註三)。如果你將每個情緒都看成是一個存有(註四),而且你將給予所有存有無條件的愛當成自己的目標,那你就要在你的心中去擁抱所有的情緒。 當你擁抱了一個情緒,你也擁抱了那個情緒的感受者,也擁抱了身為感受者的自己。這也許是你小時候從沒體驗過的,因為你身邊的大人們可能從不讓你誠實的去面對自己的情緒。也因此會有像「假好心」或是「膽小鬼」(註五)這樣的戲謔,這是因為誠實的表達情緒感受並不為你們的社會所接受。(註六) 然而現在,無論是什麼樣的情緒,好好的去體驗每個情緒的時間到了。你可以去感受它,也可以去壓抑它。不管你選擇體驗什麼或是選擇怎麼樣去體驗都能讓你有某方面的成長。儘管如此,如果你能選擇真真切切的去感受你的情緒,那將帶給你最大的成長。因為那樣做能擴展你到更全然的自己,讓自己可以有意識地去創造你想要的體驗。 所以下次再有那些讓你覺得匪夷所思的情緒在吸引著你的注意力時,別忘了我們今天的提醒喔! 我們是昴宿星七高委,我們深愛著你們!無以復加。 http://danielscranton.com/embracing-emotions-pleiadian-hig…/ 註一:「感覺良好」原文 positive-feeling 註二:「匡正自己與自省」原文 to confirm for you that you are headed in the right direction 註三:「迸發」原文 wants to be expressed 註四:「存有」原文 bring。「存有」是譯者慣用的翻譯,同「眾生」。 註五:「假好心」或是「膽小鬼」原文 ‘crocodile tears’ and ‘scaredy cat.’ 註六:因為社會不接受忠實表達情緒所以會有「假好心」「膽小鬼」這樣戲謔別人把這些情緒表達出來的負面標籤。 翻譯:陳威廷 Embracing Your Emotions ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven “We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom. Sometimes you feel something, and you don’t know where that feeling is coming from. You cannot identify the trigger, and you often then wonder why you feel what you feel. You go right into your head, because your head wants to protect you from any sort of feeling that is not positive in nature. And if it’s a positive-feeling emotion, then your head wants to understand where it comes from so that you can access it more easily. But we want to encourage you to let go of the need to know. Let go of the need to understand and make sense of an emotion. Instead, recognize that it is an experience, and it is an experience that you are having. Now you can accept the experience, or you can deny it or suppress it. But if you are experiencing an emotion of any kind, it is there in service to you. It is not only there to warn you about something or to confirm for you that you are headed in the right direction. It is also there because it is energy that wants to be expressed. If you were to see an emotion as a being, and see it as your path to love unconditionally all beings, you could find space in your heart to embrace every emotion. When you embrace an emotion, you embrace yourself, the feeler of the emotion, as well. This is something that you may not have experienced as a child. You may not have been granted permission by the adults around you to feel your emotions. You may be familiar with the expressions, ‘crocodile tears’ and ‘scaredy cat.’ So feeling emotions has never been fully embraced by your society. But now you’ve come to a time where these emotions are going to be felt, no matter what they are. You can either align with that or resist it. But anything and everything that you experience serves you in some way. And in this case feeling your emotions serves you in the best possible way, because it enables you to be more of who you are and to create your experience consciously and deliberately. So remember that the next time an unexplainable emotion comes around and asks for your attention. We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”