擁抱一切 -- 麥可天使長 歡迎!我們在此提供服務與協助。 把你的注意力放在那些困擾你的事物上不是一種自虐的行為。藉由將你的注意力放在那些;從你的觀點看來;不愉快的事情上,能讓你有機會去接觸到那些讓你「毛起來」的情緒。而放手讓自己去體驗這些不愉快的想法與不舒服的情緒時,你實際上是在削弱它們的力量。 但如果因為它們是不愉快的,或是你不想要的,而就一味的去逃避它們的話,你實際上是在給予它們更多的力量來凌駕你。因為你拒絕去面對,就等於是在擴展它們的能量。如果你一輩子都把時間用在築起高牆來保護自己;去與那些不愉快或你不想要的東西分離,那你可能沒有剩下的時間過你的生命。 相反的,我們建議你直搗黃龍的去面對那些困擾你的事情。就讓這些情緒浮現出來,這樣它們才有機會被你體驗到。正因你體驗過它們,你才能去選擇那些是你想要的。在做選擇的當下,就是你對自己展現自己力量的時刻! 如果你可以容許所有事情就如它們本來如是的樣子靠近你,如果你也可以不將它們推開,實際上你將對你真正想要的有更多的選擇。因為所有你的心所渴求的都藏在那些惹人厭的、不愉快的、或是不想要的經驗當中。 我們是麥可天使長,我們是永恆,我們是愛。 http://danielscranton.com/embrace-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Embrace It All – Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. Placing your attention on that which is bothering you is not an act of self-sabotage. By giving attention to something that is unpleasant from your perspective, you allow yourself to access the emotions that it was always meant to trigger. And giving yourself permission to experience that unpleasant thought and those uncomfortable emotions actually removes their power. By refusing to look at something because it is unpleasant or unwanted, you are actually giving it more power over you, because in your refusal to look at something, you are expending energy. If you spent your entire life building walls to protect yourself from that which is unpleasant or unwanted, you would have no time left to live your life. Instead, we recommend that you look directly at that which is bothering you, to let those emotions come to the surface so that they too can be experienced. And then it is possible for you to choose that which you want to give your attention to. That is when you demonstrate to yourself how powerful you are. If you can allow everything to be as it comes to you, and if you can push none of it away, you will actually experience more choices of what you do want, because hidden behind the bothersome, unpleasant, and unwanted experiences are everything that your heart desires. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”