接受你的情緒 ∞ 麥可天使長










註一:「斥為」原文 you only see them as。這邊翻譯成「斥為」來加強原文要強調的意思。

註二:「小我」原文an egoic thought。

註三:「受困」原文get stuck。

註四:有關「受困情緒」請參照 「情緒療癒法則」 https://goo.gl/YHvme9




Allowing Your Emotions ∞Archangel Michael

“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.

Someone in your life has given you reason to hate at some point. Usually, when you encounter one of these individuals, they are unknowingly playing a role for you. And sometimes your reasons are entirely your own and it is through no fault of the other.

When it comes to emotions, there are usually two schools of thought. One school of thought says that emotions like fear, anger, and hate are unnecessary and that they serve no purpose. There are those who would have you remove yourselves from those emotional states as quickly as humanly possible.

And then there is the school of thought that says that emotions are powerful and that they need to be respected, embraced, and felt. We take that perspective on emotions. We recognize their value in your lives.

If you think of them as energy that is moving through you in order to give you an experience, then you can see the logic in allowing them. But if you only see them as being generated by an egoic thought, then you are more likely to minimize them, run away from them, and therefore allow them to be stuck within you.

The stuck emotions are still felt. They are just felt subconsciously. They are not fully experienced until you have no other choice but to look at them. Often we see you feeling ashamed of your fear, your anxiety, your hate, and your anger. And that is how those emotions get stuck.

So our suggestion is never to act while in those emotional states, but instead to give yourselves the opportunity to process them, to allow them to move through you, and to love yourselves through the experience of those lower frequencies.

We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”