採取行動 是我,觀音。 當你思考著採取某種行動時,請檢視這個行動背後的動機。在採取行動前打破砂鍋問到底,到底是為了什麼原因讓你採取這樣的行動。 當你在神馳狀態(註一),你不需要經由思考來採取行動,因為當你在神馳狀態時,你發現自己就是單純的行動,沒有任何思考凌駕其上,對於行動合宜與否或是否能得到自己要的東西沒有任何懷疑。 你們大多數人是基於恐懼或是迫於無奈的立場而採取行動,然而你們可以採取的行動是有那麼多。所以為什麼不至少了解一下根本上是什麼原因讓你採取這樣的行動?也許如果你觸及了讓你採取這個行動的慾望在情緒層面的起因,你即可以認知到這個情緒本身將會是你這個行動的結果。 所以當你因為不想感受到某個特殊的情緒而採取某個行動,你最終會發現那個行動本身只會讓你得到更多相同的情緒。所以先內省自身的情緒,看看這個情緒是不是你想要透過行動去固化的,這才是明智的做法不是嗎? 如果情緒本身是令人興奮的或是喜樂的,當然你會想要採取相對的行動。這時唯一的考量是有沒有其他的行動能更擴大這個喜樂的感受。能看見你們基於喜樂的狀態來採取行動對我來說是非常美好的! 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/action-quan-yin/ 註一:「神馳狀態」原文 “in the flow”,也有人翻譯成「心流狀態」。有關「神馳狀態」請參照以下連結: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/心流理論 推薦這個TED影片做為延伸閱讀: https://www.ted.com/talks/mihaly_csikszentmihalyi_on_flow… 翻譯:陳威廷 Taking Action ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. When you are considering taking a certain action, please examine your intentions for that action. Seek to get to the bottom of why you want to take a particular action before you take it. When you are in the flow, you do not consider taking an action, because when you are in the flow you find yourself taking an action. There is no thought that precedes it. There is no wondering about whether it is appropriate or whether it will result in you getting what you want. Many of you are taking your actions from a place of fear or a sense of obligation, and there are so many actions that you can take. So why not at least understand what is at the root of why you want to take a particular action? Perhaps if you get in touch with the emotional cause of your desire to take a particular action, you can recognize that the emotion itself is also going to be the result of that action. So while you may be taking an action because you don’t want to feel a particular emotion, I think you will find that the action itself only leads to more of that same emotion. So it wouldn’t it make sense then to access the emotion first and to decide whether it is an emotion that you would like to solidify with action? If the emotion itself is excitement or joy, then of course you want to take that action. And of course the only consideration that you would make in that scenario is whether one action or another would be more joyous for you to take. It is beautiful to behold you taking actions from a joyous state of being. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”