持有不同的觀點 - 麥可天使長








註一:「本源能量」原文 “Source Energy”。在這裡的意思是指「本我」,此「本我」不是指「造物源頭」,而是指「每一個單一個體的最大範圍的自己」。本註解由揚升上師解說,不是譯者依照自己的理解所註解。

註二:「探索祂自己」原文 “to explore itself” 這裡的「祂」是指「本源能量」。譯者用「祂」來做區分。


Holding Different Perspectives – Archangel Michael

“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.

By your own account, there are several different ways of approaching the same subject. You have all taken on different perspectives on the same subject in your one lifetime. So imagine how many perspectives you have held over all of your lifetimes. Imagine how many different ways you have perceived reality.

So why then would you ever want to cling to one perspective? Why would you ever limit yourself in that way? You all tend to get very serious when it comes to your beliefs, what you believe is true. But what if instead you looked at these various perspectives like you would varieties of ice cream?

And so, if you are having a chocolate chip ice cream cone, and someone else is enjoying their butterscotch ice cream cone, you wouldn’t see any point in trying to get the other person to go along with you in your enjoyment of chocolate chip. In that example, you can see the value of variety.

But if someone disagrees with you politically, some of you won’t even want to be friends with that person anymore. If someone eats meat, and you are a strict vegetarian, you may not want to be friends with that person anymore. We understand that the examples we are giving may involve issues that are much nearer and dearer to your hearts than what flavor of ice cream you enjoy.

But we invite you to let go of the seriousness when it comes to these different perspectives, because we want you to enjoy your lives and we want you to allow others to enjoy theirs. And when you allow another to hold a perspective that is different from yours, you are giving Source Energy the opportunity to explore Itself in the widest variety of ways, and we think that is a very good perspective.

We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”