慈愛與慈悲 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 我非常高興可以將我的慈愛與慈悲散播給你們所有,不是只給那些正在聽或是看這個訊息的人而已。我非常歡喜的將我的慈愛與慈悲散播給所有的存有。我不需要從這當中得到感激與回報進而獲得喜悅。 我們永遠都互相連結著。在所有造物當中,沒有任何一個是可被丟棄的或可被遺忘的。我們之間永遠都連繫著,我們都會為對方扮演不同的角色。這樣是好玩的,也很有趣的。 現在我扮演的角色是帶給你們慈愛與慈悲,這是你們一直從彼此身上找尋的,也是你們為自己找尋的。所以讓你們自己意識到我的存在同時也是讓你們自己意識到那些本來就存在你之內的東西,那些你從外在找尋;但時常找不到的東西。 所以我是來這裡提供協助的。我知道你們一直都喜歡那代表我的神像以及將它放在法坐上。你們不覺得你自己就如同觀音一樣的具備慈愛與慈悲。但我告訴你們,是將我融入你們心中的時候到了,融入的不只是我的形象,更是我所具備的慈愛與慈悲。 使用我的能量作為助力來推動你們內在的慈愛與慈悲吧。用自由、開方與願意的態度去接受來自別人的慈愛與慈悲。你也可以像我一樣持有相同程度的慈愛於慈悲,因此我邀請你藉由我的力量,與我同行! 因為這樣做,你將會體驗到你自己的慈悲與慈愛。你們有些人將大大為我增光。而我就在此、我願意、我渴望為人類服務。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/love-compassion-quan-yin/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Love & Compassion ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. I am happy to be able to spread my love and compassion to all of you, not just those who are listening to or reading this message. I am happy to spread my love and compassion to all beings. I do not require acknowledgement or reciprocation to take joy from what I do. We are all eternally connected. There is not one being in all of creation that is disposable, that can be forgotten. There will always be ties between all of us, and we will play different roles for each other. And that is fun, and that is interesting. What I bring at this time is the love and compassion that all of you are seeking from each other and also seeking to give to yourselves. So bringing yourself to an awareness of me brings you to that awareness of what is already in you, of what you seek but sometimes do not find. So I am here to help. I understand that you all like to look at my symbol from time to time and to place me on a pedestal. You see yourselves as not as loving and compassionate as Quan Yin, and I say that it is time for you take me into your hearts, not just me, but what I represent. Use the power of my energy to jumpstart that love and compassion within yourselves. Be free and open and willing to accept love and compassion from others. You are capable of holding the same degree of love and compassion that I do, and I invite you to play with my energy, to become one with me. And in so doing, you will experience your own love and compassion. And some of you will give me too much credit for that. But I am here, I am willing, and I am eager to serve humanity. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”