慈悲就是善意 ∞ 觀音 (註一) 是我,觀音。 對你來說,是慈悲的或是對別人有慈悲心是什麼意思?你認為慈悲從何而來?它可以是無所不在的,且不侷限於以某種方式去經驗它或感受它才是正確的方法。「慈悲」;很簡單,就是「善意」! 因此,無論是對窮困潦倒或飛黃騰達的人,你都可以展現你的慈悲心。而且你不需要為了展現它而降低你的頻率。事實上,為了對你展現慈悲心的對象提供最大的利益,我建議你們將你們的慈悲心盡可能提升到最高的頻率。 這是你進化的一部份。當你將其它存有視為「是值得被善待的」、視為「是值得被慈悲對待的」,你也「以相同方式珍愛自己」。在你意圖為對方展現慈悲的當下,你提升了你的頻率,這時你與你的「守護天使」與「指導高靈」締結(註二、三)。 每當你意圖展現慈悲時,你身邊高頻率的存有因此而為你大放光明。相對於其他任何你想採取的行動,你這善意的舉動將更能利益對方。所以慈悲不只是一個意圖或是感覺而已。它是一種存在的狀態。它是你怎麼與這個世界互動。 而且它是一個決定!你決定自己是要去展現慈悲或是恐懼。你決定自己是要去展現善意或是報復。你決定自己是去要提供援助或是傷害。 做出慈悲以及善意的決定對你來說將變得越來越容易,因為在你此生中、在你過去世時,你一直探索著慈悲、進而你更從心出發、進而你為每個生命中遭遇到的人與狀況帶入更多的光與愛。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你們! http://danielscranton.com/compassion-kindness-quan-yin/ 註一:「慈悲就是善意」原文 "Compassion is Kindness” 註二:「守護天使」「指導高靈」原文 "your angels and your guides" 註三:「締結」原文 "align" 翻譯:陳威廷 Compassion is Kindness ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. What does it mean to you to be compassionate or to have compassion for another individual? Where do you think compassion comes from? It can come from a variety of places, and there’s not one right way to experience it or to feel it. Compassion is, quite simply, kindness. So, you can offer compassion regardless of whether someone is down in the dumps or flying high. And you don’t have to lower your frequency to offer it. In fact, I recommend that you hold compassion from the highest frequency possible in order to be of most service to those you have the compassion for. This is a part of your evolution. When you see each other as being worthy of kindness, of compassion, you also value yourselves. You elevate your frequency the moment you have the intention to hold compassion for another. You align yourself with your angels and your guides. All the high frequency beings that surround you light up whenever you have the desire to be compassionate. There is more help for you in an act of kindness than in any other act that you might desire to carry out. So compassion is more than just an intention or a feeling. It is a way of being. It is how you interact with the world. And it is a decision. You decide whether you are going to be compassionate or afraid. You decide whether you are going to be kind or vindictive. You decide whether you would rather help or hurt. And the decision for compassion and kindness is getting easier and easier for each of you to make, because you have lived enough in your own lives and in your past lives to access compassion, to be heart-centered, and to bring more love and more light to every person and every situation that you encounter in your lives. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”