感激之心 ∞ 觀音 非常感謝有這個機會讓我可以和大家談談「感激之心」的真正意涵。「感激之心」所創造的是去強化創造(註一)你所感激的對象。當你把身邊的事物當成理所當然時,你會漸漸忽視它們,進而造成它們瓦解。相反的;你必定會將注意力放在你所感激的對象上,你的感激之情會讓那創造它們的能量持續下去。 所以養成習慣去感激你所擁有的事物吧。但不要認為把你的注意力放在哪些你已經擁有的事物會侷限你在經驗上的擴展,事實是恰恰相反!你會發現你越表達感激之情,你那內在精純之力越能任你召喚。(註二) 比如說過去你擁有很多金錢,你還是不斷的對你已經擁有的金錢表達感激之情,在可見的未來你將吸引更多豐盛的經驗。豐盛可以透過不同的形式顯化,不一定是以金錢的形式。因此當你表達感激之情時,你將你的注意力放在那對象上,這時你也讓自己的頻率震動與你所感激之對象共振。此時;任何與你共振的事物開始顯化在你的生活體驗中。 所以透過對已經存在你生活經驗中的事物表達感激,你進而創造新的體驗。每天在你的生活中有那麼多的事物值得你去感激,將注意力放在你想與之共振的事物上吧。如果你能天天這樣執行,我保證你的生活中將會出現更多值得你感激的事物喔! 我是觀音,我用心守護著你們! http://danielscranton.com/gratitude-quan-yin/ 註一:「強化創造」原文”that reinforces the creation “ 註二:「你那內在精純之力越能任你召喚」原文 “the more of your energy you allow to flow through you“ 翻譯:陳威廷 Gratitude ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. “I am grateful for the opportunity to speak with you about what it means to be grateful. The experience of gratitude is an experience that reinforces the creation of that which you are grateful for. When you take things for granted, you begin to give them less and less of your attention, until they disintegrate. But that which you are grateful for has your attention, and your appreciation of it sustains the energy that creates it. So make it a practice of yours to be grateful for that which you already have. You don’t have to worry that giving your attention to that which you already have will somehow not result in the expansion of your experience. Quite the opposite is true. You will notice that the more gratitude you show and offer, the more of your energy you allow to flow through you. And so, if you had plenty of money, and you showed your gratitude for the money that you have, you may actually then begin to draw in other experiences of abundance. There are many expressions of abundance, not all of which are money. So as you focus on that which you are grateful for, you are tuning yourselves to the frequency of what has your attention. And anything that is of a similar vibration will begin to appear in your experience. So you are creating the new by focusing with the feeling of gratitude on what already is in your experience. You have so many opportunities every day to be grateful for something, to find something to focus on that you want to harmonize with. And if you make that a daily practice, I promise you there will be more in your life to be grateful for. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”