情緒 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 因為你所能擁有的好感受沒有程度上的限制,因此其相反的感受上也沒有極限。你越是往任一方向拓展,你也越能去體驗其相反面向。這樣的概念會讓你們覺得沮喪,因為大多數的你們只想體驗其中的一半而已。你們總是只尋求好的、正向的體驗而已。 所以在這次訊息中我要竭盡所能地讓你們明瞭那負面的、壞的情緒之於你們的價值!如果你可以明瞭它們存在的必要性、如果你可以明瞭它們將如何幫助你們對其相反之正面感受有更深刻的體驗。也許你就不會再害怕它們、批判它們,而且你也可以開始用全新的方式去體驗它們。 這簡單的觀點轉換會讓你更深層、更清晰、更究竟的、去控制你的振動頻率。當你陷入批判、恐懼、與批評時,你失去客觀性,你也因此被那些因之而生的「內心小劇場」(註一)淹沒。 但當你能看出這些情緒狀態真實的意義時;「而他們的真實意義是提供『你去體驗的機會』」;你就可以更容易地轉換到更高的頻率震動。你可以很容易地做到,因為你們將在實作中了解個中技巧。 如果你將注意力放在伴隨這些情緒而生的「內心小劇場」,你就會真的迷思在人生大戲中。相反的;一旦你不再執著這些「內心小劇場」而更深層去洞悉,你即可擁有全新、豐富、完整的感受。你會發現相較於這些情緒本身,你比它們更加「恢宏大度」!而「至福」(註二)存在於這樣的認知中。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你們! http://danielscranton.com/emotions-quan-yin/ 註一:「因之而生的『內心小劇場』」原文”wrapped up in the drama of it all”。 註二:「至福」原文”bliss”。讀者亦可替換成「極喜」「狂喜」「極樂」「天堂」「福佑」「幸福無比」。 翻譯:陳威廷 Emotions ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. Because there is no limit to how good you can feel, there is also no limit to the opposite of that. The more you stretch in one direction, the more you are capable of experiencing the other side of it. This notion can be disheartening because so many of you are only looking for half of the experience. You are looking for the positive, or good-feeling, side of any experience. So what I want to do in this transmission is my best possible sales job in order to get you to appreciate the downside, the negative, the bad-feeling emotions. If you can appreciate their necessity, and if you can recognize how they set you up for the experience of their opposite, perhaps then you can release your fear and judgment of them, and you can begin to experience them in a new way. A simple shift in your perspective will enable you to access more depth, more clarity, and ultimately, more control over your vibration. When you step in to judgment, fear, and criticism, you lose perspective, and then you get wrapped up in the drama of it all. But when you can see these emotional states for what they truly are – opportunities for experience – you can then shift into the higher frequency emotions with more ease. You can do so quickly, because you will understand the mechanism that is at work. One of the ways in which you get caught up in the drama is by focusing on the story that you have created around the emotion. But once you let go of the story and you dive deeper, you can have that new, rich, full experience, and you can feel how much bigger you are than the emotion itself. And in that recognition, lies bliss. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”