忘懷過去 是我,觀音。 「忘懷過去」比你想的還容易。「忘懷過去」不需要去塵封或是壓抑一段記憶。「忘懷過去」就像是讓生命繼續前進一樣簡單,只要把焦點放在當下發生的事。這需要某種程度的專注,而這程度你可以把它稱之為「努力」。然而你的生命永遠發生在當下此時此刻,因此請你將注意力放在當下並不是什麼「光怪離奇」的行為。 想要透過不停的緬懷過往而去經營未來才是所謂的「光怪離奇」。你只能與當下眼前的事物同在,未來的事就讓它自己水到渠成的發生吧。 當然有些事是你不想忘懷的,你的過去有令人愉快的時刻,歡樂的時光。思念或是緬懷過去當然沒有什麼問題,但如果你經常冒著「美化過去」的危險、將它們看成「過往美好的時光」,這樣會把你從當下抽離,而當下是你唯一可以真正活著的地方! 所以我建議你們要在意圖上讓自己更加與當下身旁的人事物同在。當你活在當下時,你可以聽見自己的直覺、你可以感受到自己的情緒、你也可以接收到所處的環境或身邊的人所要傳遞給你的訊息。 但如果你們都用你們的過往去定義你們的當下,這將使得你們重蹈覆轍。你們會一直重塑過往,因為過往一直在你們眼中。我不是建議你們去忘記,因為即使是「要去忘記」這樣的行為都會將你的注意力集中在你想要忘記的事物上。 我要說的是當你活在當下的此時此刻,「忘懷過去」就自然而然伴隨而來。而你可以比以往活得更全然、更充滿活力。你將用你高明的震動頻率從容的描繪你的未來,而這高明的震動頻率只能在全然的當下獲得。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/forgetting-quan-yin/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Forgetting ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. Forgetting is easier than you might think. Forgetting does not involve suppressing or repressing a memory. Forgetting is as easy as moving forward, focusing on what is in the present. So it does require a certain amount of focus, which you could call effort if you wish. But your lives are always happening in the present moment, so asking yourself to focus in the present moment is not an outlandish thing to do. Continuing to go back into the past in an attempt to manage the future is somewhat of an outlandish act. You can only be present with what is and let the future take care of itself. Now, of course, there are some things that you do not want to forget. There are pleasant moments, happy moments from your past. And there certainly is nothing wrong with reminiscing or feeling nostalgic. But you often run the risk of glorifying the past, seeing it as ‘the good old days,’ and that also takes you out of the present, which is the only place where you can actually live. So what I recommend is that you make it your intention to be more present with everything and everyone that comes your way. When you are present, you can hear your intuition, you can feel your emotions, and you can receive what it is that the circumstance or person has come to deliver you. But if all you ever do is define your present by your past, you will relive it. You will continue to create it as it always has been. So I am not suggesting that you forget, because even the act of forgetting puts you focused on that which you are attempting to forget. What I am saying is that when you are present in the now moment, forgetting is the natural byproduct. And you can live more fully, more vividly than you ever have before. And you will paint your future deliberately with the strokes of your vibration, a vibration that can only be offered in the present moment. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”