心的智慧 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 智慧從你的內在而來,智慧是發掘屬於你的真理,智慧無法透過追尋在你之外的答案而得。因此對你們來說;你們所能做的最重要的事情就是「信任自己」。信任來自你的智慧,信任來自你自身的智慧,信任來自你情緒的智慧。 信任自己全然明瞭在每個當下什麼是對自己最重要的,並且從你的心尋求智慧。藉由你的心,而不是透過腦袋去思考。讓你的心有機會去大放異彩,進而讓自己大顯身手! 存在愛中的智慧不是任何利害分析能出其右的。無論具足多少知識都無法與你體驗到愛的瞬間相比擬(註一)。透過信任自己,你珍愛你自己。在自我懷疑之下,你也切斷了與那脈動的連結、那自我珍愛的脈動、那來自「一切本源」能量的脈動。(註二) 這是為什麼我相信從你內在找尋那與你共鳴的比從外在世界尋求肯定來得更重要。如果你要驗證某樣東西的正確性,繼續往在內尋求。 發掘有關你是誰的真相,認知到在這一個「真正重要的真相」前,其他都顯得無關緊要。而這「真正重要的真相」是:「你是愛的化身,你來到這裡就是為了體驗到你自己就是那愛!」。任何亞於它的都無法令你滿足! 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/wisdom-heart-quan-yin/ 註一:在翻譯這句的時候想到「心靈捕手」的這段劇情。 https://youtu.be/ckAE7Wqc270 註二:「一切本源」。原文 Source of all。 http://danielscranton.com/wisdom-heart-quan-yin/ 翻譯:陳威廷 The Wisdom of the Heart ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. Wisdom comes from within you. Wisdom is discovering your own truth. Wisdom will not be found by looking outside of yourself for answers. That is why the most important thing that any of you could ever do is to trust yourselves. Trust your wisdom. Trust the wisdom of your bodies. Trust the wisdom of your emotions. Trust that you know precisely what is most important for you to know in every moment, and look to your hearts for wisdom. Rather than thinking things through, process them through your hearts. Give your hearts the opportunity to shine and to show what you are actually made of. There is a wisdom in love that no amount of information could ever stack up to. No amount of knowledge will ever measure up to a single moment where you experience love. By trusting yourselves, you love yourselves. By doubting yourselves, you cut yourselves off from that stream, the stream of self-love, the stream of energy that comes from the Source of all. That is why I believe that it is more important for you to look within yourselves for that which resonates than to look for confirmation from an outside source. If you want to check for the accuracy of something, continue to go back within yourself. Discover the truth of who you are and recognize that all other truths are irrelevant in the face of the one truth that truly matters – you are Love incarnate, and you are here to experience yourselves as that Love. Nothing short of that will ever truly satisfy you. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”