對權威質疑 -- 麥可天使長 歡迎!我們在此提供服務與協助。 從小到大,從有記憶以來,你一直被灌輸著某些觀點。你們某些人已經接受這些由老師,父母,新聞報導或是政府灌輸給你們的觀點。另一群人則是從很小的年紀就開始質疑這些權威者的觀點。 當你開始質疑權威後,當你找尋這些權威者告訴你這些故事背後所隱含的動機之後,你就一定能發現新的資訊。你如何處理這些資訊就變成了關鍵。如果你發現你的政府一直沒有對你說實話,或是你發現掌握媒體的企業只想你知道一半的事情,這時你當決定如何處置。 你想要這些扭曲或隱藏真相的人被懲罰?你想要將它們繩之以法?或是這些你所發現足夠為你帶來好處? 當你發現某些人在某方面正濫用他們的權利,這將觸發你在內在的憤怒,怨恨,甚至一些恐懼。當你意識到這些情緒之後,你就可以放心了,這些濫用他們權利的人將會扮演你要他們扮演的角色。 所以我們建議你將這些人看成你的朋友或是夥伴。我們建議你就像是對你們所愛的人一樣對這些人打開心扉去原諒他們。並不是說他們值得你這樣做,而是你決定讓自己帶入更多的光。你決定此生要這樣做,這就是你在共同創造中的角色。 我們是麥可天使長,我們是永恆,我們是愛。 http://danielscranton.com/questioning-authority-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Questioning Authority – Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. From your earliest experiences as a human in this lifetime, you have been given a version of the facts. You have been told stories from a particular perspective. And some of you have accepted everything that you have been told by teachers, parents, news reporters, and the government. Others questioned authority from a very early age. When you question authority, when you seek to find the motives underneath the telling of the story, you are bound to uncover new information. What you do with that information then becomes the critical moment. If you discover that your government has not been entirely honest with you, or if you discover that the corporation that owns the news company really only wants you to know half of the story, it is then up to you how you want to proceed. Do you need for these individuals who have distorted or hidden the truth to be punished? Do you need them to be brought to justice, or is the knowing of what you have discovered enough of a reward? When you discover that someone is abusing their power in some way, it triggers within you anger, resentment, and even some fear. And when you get in touch with those emotions, you can then rest assured that the person who has abused their power has played the role that you asked them to play. So we suggest that you see that person as a friend and a co-creator. We suggest that you open your hearts to those individuals and that you love and forgive them, not because they deserve it. Do it because you have decided to bring the light. You have decided to be that in this lifetime. That is your role in the co-creation. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”