寬恕所有的人—Hathors 寬恕之道是你們所有人都該好好地擁抱的!寬恕之道就是停止批判,就是這麼簡單明瞭。你可以寬恕自己、寬恕別人、寬恕你的政府、寬恕大屠殺的兇手、寬恕種族滅絕的始作俑者。你可以寬恕這一切,因為這樣做可以將你自己從對他們的批判中釋放。 如果你從這個角度來看,每個你批評的人;包括你自己,你都是將他們關在某種牢籠之中。這會讓你了解到你是如何將身邊的人;包括你自己禁錮起來。你也會明白—釋放這些你禁錮的人、釋放你的批判、釋放需要高道德標準的沈重負擔、釋放需要完美的想法、或是釋放時時刻刻需要放光與愛想法—是多麼重要,因為你們當中沒有人做得到!所以你大可對別人、對自己卸下這些遙不可及的高道德標準吧。 相反的,擁抱這世界中的混亂吧!擁抱這世界已經存在的一切,它們的存在就像是你與你的父母一般,都存在這世界,而這個世界是你們共同創造的結果。明瞭到你自己也多次扮演加害於這個世界的加害者角色。對於你觀察到的某些人及某些行為,如果你可以放下對他們的批判時,你也同時放下了對自己在不同轉世時的批判,在這些轉世時,你的行為與他們類似。 寬恕之道在認知到自己是一切的本源,而你們都是無瑕的。你們來到這裡都是為了體驗這個世界該給你們的,雖然有些體驗並不那麼好玩,但是這是你要的,你需要這些體驗。你知道這樣能讓你更明瞭自己真正是什麼,因此你選擇了特定的體驗,而在這體驗中需要其他角色來扮演加害於你的加害者。而現在輪到你來扮演那個寬恕與放下批判的角色。這是一件美好的事與非常棒的感覺,我們邀請你一同加入。 我們是Hathors。我們謝謝你,願你有美好的一天。 http://danielscranton.com/forgive-everyone-the-hathors/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Forgive Everyone – The Hathors “Forgiveness is something that all of you would do well to embrace. Forgiveness means letting go of judgment, plain and simple. You can forgive yourselves, you can forgive others, you can forgive your governments, you can forgive the mass murderers, the genocidal leaders. You can forgive them all because doing so frees you from holding on to the weight of their judgment. If you look at it as though every single individual, including yourself, that you judge you place in a type of prison cell and then you realize that you are carrying those prisoners in those prison cells around with you, you can see just how important it is to release your prisoners, release your judgments, release the burden of having to hold the higher moral ground, or of having to be perfect, or having to be only offering love and light all the time, because none of you have done this. So you might as well let go of that need for anyone else, including yourselves, to be a perfect moral example of what a human being can and should be. Instead, embrace the messiness that is this world where you live. Embrace all that have been on your world and that exist on your world as being your equals and your partners in co-creation. Realize that you have also played the role of the villain many times, and that as you release your judgment of someone you are witnessing in this world, in this lifetime, you are also releasing the judgment of yourself in that other incarnation where you did something very similar to what they are doing. Forgiveness is the recognition that you are all Source, that you are all innocent, that you are all here for the experience that this world has to offer. And some of those experiences are not so fun, but you wanted them, you needed them. You knew that they would help complete the puzzle that is you. And so you chose certain experiences that necessitated that others play that role of villain for you. And now you get to play the role of the one who offers forgiveness and releases judgment. And that is a beautiful thing and wonderful feeling, and we invite you all to partake in it. We are The Hathors. We thank you, and we wish you a fond good day.”