寬恕即是自由 — 奧菲莉亞仙靈 我就在此;我與你同在。 寬恕之道在於放下過去那些認為事情應該有所優劣與對錯的需求。當你覺得自己在某些方面是受害者時,實際上你所採用的觀點是認為自己是優越的。這是在於當你認為自己被誤解時,這時你當然認為自己是正確的,不然誤解無從發生。 這會讓你覺得自己優於那個加害於你的人,優於那個在你生命中扮演惡棍角色的人。當你不再需要對人定義優劣對錯之後,你也就不再創造惡棍的角色,也不需要再玩對與錯的二元對立遊戲。在任何情況中你覺得需要寬恕時,你可以將對方看成與自己平等的角色,同為在這個事件的共同創造者就好了。 當你放下對別人的優越感,你會發現自己可以與更多不同的人互動。當你放下對別人的優越感,你也放下對自己的自卑感。原因在於你會評斷自己在道德上是優於那些加害於你的人,你也會評斷自己比不上那些好事做得比你多的人或是造成的傷害比你少的人。 寬恕之道在於放下定義優劣對錯的需求,取而代之的是超然平等的全然臣服。在這超然平等的全然臣服中存在的釋放。釋放總是能為你帶來益處,因為你所執著的就是你所緊抓無法釋放的。即使釋放你的恐懼也可以透過將它視為一個超然平等的選擇來達成,用這樣的觀點去看你過去未來的所有經驗。而這樣的超然的經驗將帶給你想要的自由。 我是奧菲莉亞;我愛你們! http://danielscranton.com/forgiving-freeing-ophelia-faerie/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Forgiving is Freeing ∞Ophelia the Faerie “I am here. I am with you. The way that you forgive is by letting go of any need that you have ever had to be right or to be better. When you take on the role of the one who has been victimized in some way, you are taking on the perspective that you are superior. If you have been wronged in your estimation, then surely you must be the one who is in the right. This allows you to feel that you are better than your victimizer, the one who is playing the role of villain in your life. When you release the need to be better or righter than anyone else, you no longer need to create villains. You no longer need to play out that polarity of right and wrong. And you can see the other as being equal to you and as being co-creator with you in the event or the circumstance that you feel needs forgiveness. When you have let go of this need to be superior to any other, you will find that then you draw in different people to play with. And when you no longer need to feel superior to anyone else, then you will also no longer need to feel inferior. Certainly if you are making the judgment that you are morally superior to your victimizers, then you are also judging yourself to be less than others who are doing more good or less harm than you are. Forgiveness is complete surrender. And in complete surrender there is release. Release always serves you because what you are clinging to is usually something that you are using to feel a certain way. Even the release of your fears is something that you can see as a choice, a choice that creates a neutrality to all experience that you have had or that you could have And this gives you the freedom to create one of those neutral experiences that you desire. I am Ophelia, and I love you.”