如何接收 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 不讓自己稍歇片的話,你是不可能繼續前進的。你們都有一定的週期性,在周期中有些部分涉及到什麼事都不做。不是無時無刻都有事情需要你去做。也不是無時無刻你都該採取某種行動才合宜。 但「行動」對你來說似乎是最簡單、最快速、甚至是讓你感到最滿足的方式。不過我注意到你們一直很享受「接收」,你們享受不需要做任何事的「接收」或不需要親力親為的「接收」。這可以是非常令人滿足的經驗。 儘管如此,為什麼當無法採取某種行動來推動能量時你們會感到如此沮喪呢?部分原因源自於長久以來你們一直受到權威性人物的灌輸。這些權威性的人物一直要求你們去做一些事情,即使這些事情是你們不想做的或是因他們的要求不得不做的。 你們沒有被教導如何「接收」。你們的學校沒有教,你們的政府沒有教,宗教裡面的權威人士也不教。既然這樣就讓我來教導你們如何「接收」。 我不是要求你們停止「行動」。永遠都有適當的時機讓你們去採取合宜的行動。我要說的是總有些時刻你們無法採取行動或是不知道該採取什麼行動。當你們發現自己處於這樣的狀況時,允許自己去「接收」吧。 你們全都被能量包圍著。你們恆常被給予指示與給予引導,對大多數人而言這樣的「接收」發生在潛意識層面。但如果你們在意圖上設定自己去「接收」,你就在能量層面打開自己,讓自己去接收那些永遠流向你的能量,進而讓自己擁有不需透過行動來讓事情實現的絕妙經驗。 所以在意圖上去接收當下就已經是你的東西吧,你的掙扎就等著這麼結束。每天至少一次讓自己這樣去體驗,看看有多麼顯著的事情不費吹灰之力的來到你身邊。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/receive-quan-yin/ 翻譯:陳威廷 How to Receive ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. Without letting yourselves take a break, it is impossible for you to continue moving forward. You simply have cycles, and some of the parts of those cycles involve doing nothing. There is not always going to be something for you to do. There is not always going to be an appropriate action for you to take. But action often seems like the easy way for you, the quick way, or even the most satisfying way. But I have noticed that all of you enjoy receiving, from time to time, and you enjoy receiving without needing to do something or to get it yourselves. This can be a very satisfying experience. So what then is so frustrating to you about not being able to take an action to move energy forward? It is in part due to the programming that you have all been subjected to by so many authority figures. These authority figures have asked you to do things that you haven’t wanted to do or have demanded that you do them. You have not been taught how to receive. It is not taught in your schools. It is not taught by you government, and it is not taught by those in authority positions of religion. So I am taking it upon myself to teach you how to receive. I am not asking all of you to cease taking action. There are always going to be times when it is appropriate for you to take action. What I am talking about are the times when you cannot take action or you do not know what action to take. When you find yourself in one of these scenarios, give yourselves permission to receive. You are surrounded by energy. You are constantly being given downloads and upgrades, and most of you receive them subconsciously. But if you make it your intention to receive and you open yourself up energetically to that which is always flowing your direction, you can give yourselves a wonderful experience without needing to take a single action to make it happen. So just intend to receive something in this moment that is already yours, that is waiting for you to let go of the struggle. Give yourselves that experience at least once a day, and see what remarkable things can come to you effortlessly. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”