如何創造你的實相 ∞ 昂宿七高委 關於「如何創造你的實相」這概念看起來有諸多誤解,我們在此為你澄清。這是個你們非常感興趣的議題,而且你們會竭盡所能地去做,因為你們都希望事情按照你們預料中去發展。 然而我們要澄清的是你所創造的是基於你的內在體驗,而不是任何其他外在事物。實際上你是在創造你自己,「你!」才是那最主要的「創造物」。而外在世界只是基於你所創造的內在、你所選擇創造的內在所投射出的實相。這過程是由內到外,且無法逆行。 你無法擁有悲傷與孤單的內心,卻同時創造出多采多姿、高朋滿座、鶼鰈情深的人生。因為外在世界無法不忠實投射你的內心。所以與其關注於你要創造什麼,我們建議你不如去思考你要創造什麼樣的自己。 你會問那我該怎麼做?做法就是:「一切從選擇開始,並且不斷地做出同樣的選擇。」你可能某天起床時決定要成為快樂的人,但接下來卻有許多事挫折你的意志,讓你忘記初衷。決定要是個快樂的人意味著耕耘心中的那畝田栽出喜樂的收穫,而不是皮笑肉不笑的偽裝笑臉。兩者程度上差異甚巨。 你可以回想過去經歷過的喜悅,時常回想那個感覺,並且用這感受來創造充滿喜悅的自己。而這才是你真的要創造的。而外在世界也會隨著你的選擇而改變,你也因此體驗到喜悅的世界。但我們要提點的是:「這一切從你的內在開始」。你不需憂心外在世界,只要你能鍥而不捨的將喜悅錨定於自己的內在,這世界自然為你運行。你永遠可以選擇體驗喜悅的人生,特別是每當事情不如意時。這是你的人生旅程,也是你創造實相的方法。 我們是昴宿星七高委,我們深愛著你們!無以復加。 http://danielscranton.com/how-you-create-your-reality-∞the…/ 翻譯:陳威廷 How You Create Your Reality ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven “We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom. So there seems to be a bit of confusion around the idea of creating your reality, and we would like to clear that up for you. This is something that you hear and get very excited about. And then you put yourselves to work, doing all the creating that you possibly can because you want your reality to be a certain way. And what we want to clarify for you is that the reality that you are creating has more to do with your experience of it than anything else. You are creating you. You are the primary creation. Now the reality outside of you does begin to reflect that which you have become, that which you have decided to create, but it’s not going to work the other way around. You are not going to stay a sad and lonely person while you create a fun and interesting life for yourself, filled with friends, and relationships, and so on. That reality would not be an accurate reflection of what you had created. So instead of focusing on what you want to create that is out there, we suggest that you begin to create the version of yourself that you would like to be. And how do you do that, you might wonder? Well, it starts with a decision and it continues to be a decision. In other words, you can wake up one morning and say, ‘I am deciding to be happy!’ But then you can go about your day and find several reasons not to be happy and forget all about that intention. The decision to be happy means you are going to cultivate a frequency of joy within yourself. It does not just mean putting a smile on your face and skipping down the street. It is a bit more involved than that. So as you recall the frequency of joy as you have experienced it at some point in your life, and you begin to call that forward, you actually begin to create a joyous version of yourself. And that is what you want. That is why you want the outside circumstances to change for you. It is so you can experience the world joyously. But we say, start with you. Don’t worry about the outside world. The outside world will take care of itself as you take care of you, as you put your attention on the frequency you want to hold and you decide over and over again that you are going to hold it no matter what. Your intention to live a joyous life is one that you can continue to return to, especially when things are not giving you any reason to feel joy whatsoever. That is your journey, and that is how you create your reality. We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”