壞蛋 — 麥可天使長 在你的生活中那些讓你憤怒的人、讓你絕望的人、讓你覺得受到挫折的人,他們是最能利益你的人。他們利益你的方式是讓你放下批判,而正是批判將你錨定在第三次元的實相當中(註一)。總得有人做這吃力不討好的工作,總得有人扮演這個壞蛋的角色。 因此,不需要去想誰是這樣的角色,就讓自己去敬重、去感激那些在你生命中扮演著煽動者、紛亂者、以及加害者角色的人。當你發現自己不再因他們所苦惱時,這時就是你送出愛、慈悲、與感激給他們的時刻。因為他們讓你對「一切都是整體」(註二)有更完整的認知,也讓你意識到自己有某些課題還沒完成。 我們知道本訊息中的教授是很具挑戰性的,我們也知道如果你設法不要對他們那麼嚴苛,且給予他們無條件的愛,那這樣所帶來的反饋將是美好且立即的!這樣的反饋將會一直持續。如果你們看到這外在的世界滿是混亂、戰爭、貪婪以及暴力,不要想叫這個世界自己改變。只要簡單地走入自己的內在,認知到自己就是寬恕。當你放手、當你不再對抗這些壞蛋時,你是將和諧與和平帶入那個從你內在反射出來的世界,透過這個外顯出來的世界你才有辦法覺知到自己真正的內在,「那才是你真正施力點的所在」。 當你的內在是愛、是慈悲、是寬恕,你就會看見外在世界也變得一樣。 我們是麥可天使長,我們是永恆,我們是愛。 註一:原文 third-dimensional reality。翻譯為「第三次元的實相」。有關第三次元的定義,請參照以下連結: https://sites.google.com/site/allforlove1999/page02/d 註二:原文 wholeness。翻譯為「一切都是整體」 http://danielscranton.com/the-rascals-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 The Rascals – Archangel Michael “The ones in your lives who are bringing you to the state of anger, despair, frustration, these are the ones who are doing you the greatest service. They are helping you release the judgments that keep you anchored in a third-dimensional reality. Someone has to do the dirty work. Someone has to play that role. And so, without thinking of anyone in particular, simply make it your intention to honor and appreciate those who are playing the roles of the agitators, the disruptors, and the villains. And when you are not feeling perturbed by one of them, that is the time to send your love, your compassion, and your appreciation for all that they do to bring you to a greater sense of wholeness and to make you aware of those parts of yourself that you have not yet welcomed home. We know this is one of the more challenging teachings, and we also know that if you do manage to cut them some slack and offer them some unconditional love, that the rewards will be great, and the rewards will be immediate. They will also be long-lasting. If you are looking outside of yourselves at a world in chaos, war, greed, and violence, do not ask that world to change. Simply look within you and see that as you forgive, as you let go, as you surrender to the rascals, you bring harmony and peace to those reflections outside of you that are only there to get you to the place of awareness within you – the only place where you can do something. Be love. Be compassion. Be forgiveness. And watch the world outside of you become the same. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”