增長靈性 — 麥可天使長 歡迎!我們在此提供服務與協助。 當某件事困擾著你的時候,你卻假裝一點都不在意,這樣的行為不會增長你的靈性。試圖去做你不是的人不會讓你得到任何好處。任何時刻你就應該是你本來就是的那個人。這意味著如果某件事情不和你的意,但是在你的信念中;這件事情不應該不和你的意,這時,你應該尊重自己的感受。你必須對自己承認,承認自己當前就是這種感受,即使這感受是令人不喜歡的。 更加開悟對你們而言會讓你們想到那種可以展現很多靈性層面的人,這樣的靈性大師都是你們嚮往的。很多時候,你們反而會因為這樣而去否定自己或是責怪自己為什麼做不到那樣或是為何無法像靈性大師或開悟者那樣的生活。但是你們可以做得到最慈悲與最慈愛的事;就是尊重自己當前真正的狀態,並且給予自己當前真正需要的東西。而可以對自己慈悲與慈愛正是在靈性上進化的展現。 所以我們建議你丟棄那個開悟大師的形象吧,也不要再想去做任何不是真正是你的那個人!這樣做,你們讓自己也讓別人在美好的環境中生活,在這地方每個人都以自己最完美的方式過活。這種和諧與寧靜在此時此刻的地球就可以達到,不必等到每個人都開悟才會發生。 我們是麥可天使長,我們是永恆,我們是愛。 http://danielscranton.com/spiritual-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Being More Spiritual – Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. Pretending that something does not bother you when it actually does is not an act of being more spiritual. You do not gain anything at all by trying to be who you are not. Who you are in any moment is precisely who you need to be in that moment. And if that means you are not okay with something that you believe you are supposed to be okay with, then you need to honor yourself in that moment. You need to admit to yourself that you are feeling what you are feeling about it, even if it is not a very popular way to feel. There is a composite spiritual person that you all think about when you think of being more enlightened. This spiritual master is how you all aspire to be like. And so at times you allow yourselves to be in denial, or you beat up on yourselves for not being there yet, for not living up to this ideal standard of the spiritual master, the enlightened one. But honoring yourself right where you are and giving yourself whatever it is you need is the most compassionate thing and the most loving thing that you could do. And being compassionate and loving with yourself is the spiritually evolved way to be. So we recommend that you throw away your picture of that enlightened master and that you let go of any desire to be someone other than who you are. In so doing, you allow yourselves and others to live and let live in a beautiful place where each of you is perfect as you are. That type of harmony and peace can be achieved on Earth right here and right now. Not everyone must reach enlightenment before that happens. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”