喜好 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 喜好某些事物不表示要去否定其他的選項。喜好的事物是會隨著時間改變的。所以當你喜好某些事物時,不代表你永遠鍾愛於它。因此不需要將其他選項都看成不必要的、無效的、或是覺得反感。 所有存在的選項就是要讓你們有機會去選擇。當你們有所喜好時,你們會覺得那才是正確的選擇。你們常帶著這種態度,對自己的喜好感到自豪。而當你們不再認為自己的喜好在道德上或其他方面才是正確之時,這會讓事情變得容易一點,這也可以讓你們轉化。 你們是無限的生命探索著所有的可能性。你今天不喜歡的,也許明天、下星期、明年就不一樣。你現在所喜好的,有許過一陣子也就不同了。但這不代表其他人做了與你不一樣的選擇就表示他們在某種層面來說不如你進化。 所有可得的選擇、所有可得的經驗必定存在著某些收穫。當你有這種認知時,你實際上是為自己開啟更多機會之門。你創造更多機會,而且你能感知更多。當你闡述自己的喜好時,請帶著感激,感激有著你所喜好的選項存在,也為之存在感到興奮吧。 你不必為自己的喜好找藉口。你也不用證明他們是對的。你不用跟任何人解釋為什麼你選這個而不選那個。你只要跟著那個脈動前進,永遠都有一個比你理解中更大的理由讓你做出這樣的決定,也為之而感到興奮吧。你會發現自己因保持著興奮感而引領自己探索著新的喜好。 你絕對不會發現自己沒有了選擇,但是你卻可能因為封閉自己而局限了自己的選項。所以我不建議那樣。我建議你們敞開心胸,認知到這是一個無窮無盡的宇宙、存在著無窮無盡的可能性。 當你沈浸於自己的喜好時,讓自己去體會那喜樂。讓自己的能量與所喜好事物的能量交融,並且讓自己在這交融中綻放吧。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/preferences-quan-yin/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Preferences ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. Preferring something for yourself does not mean denouncing all other choices. Preferences change over time. So when you prefer something, it does not mean that you will always prefer it. So you do not need then to see all other choices as unnecessary, invalid, or even offensive. All choices exist in order to give you the opportunity to choose. When you have a preference, you often believe that it is the right one to have. You often take that stance, and you often feel proud of your preferences. This is going to shift for all of you, and you will just be making things easier on yourself when you let go of that need for your preferences to be correct, morally or otherwise. You are infinite beings exploring all possibilities. And so what you do not prefer today, you may prefer tomorrow, or next week, or next year. What you have preferred, you may no longer prefer. But that does not mean that everyone else who is making that choice is somehow behind you in their evolution. There is something to be gained from every choice that is available, from every experience that is available. And as you begin to acknowledge that, you actually open yourselves to more possibilities. You create more opportunities, and you are able to perceive more. When you state your preference, do so with an appreciation that your preference exists. Do so from a place of excitement. You don’t have to make excuses for your preferences either. You don’t have to justify them. You don’t have to explain to anyone why you chose A over B. You are just moving towards what resonates in the moment, and there is always a bigger reason than what you realize in the moment for making that choice. So get excited about that as well. Get excited about what it is you will discover about yourself in your exploration of your new preference. You will never run out of choices, but it is possible for you to narrow your choices by closing yourself off. So I do not recommend that. I recommend opening yourself, acknowledging the infinite universe and the infinite possibilities that exist within it. And when you do align with one of your preferences, allow that joy to flow through you, allow yourselves to blossom in the coming together of your energy with the energy of that which you prefer. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”