取悅別人 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 取悅別人不代表你需要犧牲自己的幸福或自己的舒適。多數時候你們取悅他人的目的是為了得到某些東西,例如:尋求對方的認同、友誼、或是愛。但無論如何,你們都是在尋求彼此能量的交換。 當你為取悅對方而犧牲內心真正的欲求時,實際上你是為了得到某些東西而屈服。這樣的給予是有條件的,不會對任何一方造成利益。但當你就是簡單的表現最真的自己時,實際上你是毫不費力的給予、無條件的給予、不需回報的給予。你給出的就是「你自己」,你給出你的能量。你讓對方欣賞到真正的你。 那個見證著你正體驗著喜樂的人,正接受著你給出之喜樂震動的禮物。因此,就算你不為取悅任何人的追隨自己的狂喜,你也一直在利益周遭所有。你就是你所給出的禮物。正因為你就是簡單的「是你所是的」而成為利益提供者。 當你為別人做任何事時,查看一下自己的動機。確保自己知道「我之所以這樣做的原因是什麼?」「我想要什麼以作為回報?」即使你的所作所為讓你看起來像是個好人,但它還是帶著條件的。 因此,我建議你們讓自己「以自己」存在著!不帶任何動機、不尋求回報、不需要任何人的認可做自己。做任何事情只因為了展現真正的自己,也讓旁人從這樣的展現中獲益。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你們。 http://danielscranton.com/pleasing-quan-yin/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Pleasing Others ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. Pleasing others does not need to mean that you are sacrificing your own happiness or your own comfort. When you seek to please another, you often do so because you want something from the other. Now you may just want approval, friendship, or love, but still you are attempting to engage in an exchange of energy. When you do this at the expense of what your heart truly desires, you are giving in the hopes of receiving something. That type of giving is conditional, and it does not serve either party. When you simply are who you are, you give effortlessly, without conditions, and with no need for reciprocation. You give yourself. You give your energy. You allow another to appreciate you as you are. Someone who witnesses you experiencing joy is being offered the gift of that vibration. Therefore, even when you are just following your own bliss with no attempt whatsoever to please another, you are being of service. You are the gift that you have to offer. You are being of service by merely existing as you are. When you do for another, check in on your motives. Be sure you understand why it is that you do what you do and what it is you want in return. Even if your acts of service are done to give you a sense that you are a good person, they are conditional. And therefore I recommend that you allow yourself to exist without motives, without seeking reciprocation, and without needing the approval of any other. Do what you do as an expression of who you are and allow all others to benefit from that expression. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”