創造體驗 - 大天使麥可 歡迎!我們在此提供服務與協助。 在你創造的過程中,你時常將重點放在你想創造的事物上。因為你認為你確切知道什麼是你想要的,因此你也相信你會如預期的體驗自己的創造物,或是與之互動。 然而我們建議你去創造的是「體驗」,而且不局限於任何一種形式。或許你連任何一種形式都不需要就可以體驗到你想體驗的。 所以去創造自己想要的體驗,去體驗那種純粹的經驗 (註一)。將關注的焦點更放在你想連接的經驗上,而不是你想創造的事物上。連結並且尋找那樣的體驗,而讓你體驗到那樣經驗的形式將會超過你的預期喔!甚至是你想都想不到的。 當你將你的意識集中在你想體驗的經驗上時,特別去注意在你的身體上,那個部分可以感受到那樣的經驗。你只要簡單地將注意力時常集中在身體的那個部分,你就可以越快的經驗到你想要的體驗。 你只要帶著這樣的意圖集中注意力在身體的那個部分,你就可以啟動那個經驗,而你想創造的就會伴隨著發生。我們向你保證,你會喜歡這種創造方式喔! 我們是大天使麥可,我們是永恆,我們是愛! 註一:「經驗」。原文是使用Vibration,震動。但是我覺得如果直接翻譯成震動比較沒有辦法感受到原文的意思。因此我翻譯成「經驗」。經驗也是一種能量的震動。 http://danielscranton.com/creating-experiences-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Creating Experiences – Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. In your process of creation, you often put the emphasis on what it is you would like to create because you feel that you know precisely what it is that you want. And you believe that you know how it is you will then experience and respond to that which you have created. What we recommend, instead, is that you look to create experience and let the form come to you in whatever way it will. Perhaps you will not even need form in order to have the experience you want to have. So give yourselves the experience that you want, the experience of the vibration. Be more interested in connecting to that vibration than you are in making something happen with it. Connect in and seek experience, and the form will often be something you did not expect and perhaps even something that you could not possibly imagine. When you are focusing your consciousness on the experience you want to have, pay particular attention to where in your body you are having the experience that you desire. It will become easier and easier for you to access the experience simply by placing your focus on that particular area of your body. You will be activating the vibration by merely focusing with intention, and the creating will take place as a natural by-product of your focus. And we promise you, you will enjoy that which you create in this way. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”