做決定 如果你還掙扎著不知如何做重大決定,其實只有一件事情你需要做:就是盡可能地降低這決定之結果的重要性。當你相信這決定之結果將比你重要或比你更有力量時,你實際上是過分看重這決定的輕重,而因此感到焦慮與恐懼。 當你在做決定時,你最不想要的就是基於焦慮與恐懼去做決定。所以當你在做這類的決定時,任何可以讓你放鬆的方法都可以幫助你做好決定。你可以放鬆自己,讓自己認知到不管發生什麼,你都會好好的。你將擁有力量去面對一路上的任何結果。 回首過去你所做過的決定,從這當中瞭解到,即使事情最後並不如當初你所預期,它還是有所收穫,你可以透過這樣回首來讓自己有這樣的認知。無論你面對的結果為何,你永遠都有能力從中獲得真知灼見。無論發生了什麼或沒有發生什麼,你永遠可以更深入的認識自己。 無論發生什麼,你永遠都可以從本來以為的自己中發現更多的力量。「你就是那關鍵。」(註一)無論那決定是什麼,你才是那決定中最重要的面向。去決定讓自己成為那拼圖中最重要的關鍵。去決定你有能力可以面對任何迎面而來的事物,你也永遠有能力去修正方向。去決定這些是真實的,而它們肯定就會成真!(註二) 我是觀音,我用心守護著你們! http://danielscranton.com/making-decisions-quan-yin/ 註一:「你就是那關鍵。」原文 You are the key. 註二:翻譯此篇時讓我一直想到電影「三個傻瓜」。主角「藍丘」的口頭禪”All Izz Well”。建議大家觀看這電影以加深這概念。 翻譯:陳威廷 Making Decisions ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. If you are struggling to make an important decision, there is really only one thing that you need to do. Minimize the importance of the outcome of that decision. When you believe that the outcome of your decision is bigger and more powerful than you, you place too much significance on the decision and you feel anxious and afraid. When you are making a decision, the last thing that you want to do is make it from that anxious and fearful place. So anything that helps you relax in the face of making one of these types of decisions is going to serve you. You can relax into the knowing that no matter what happens, you will be fine. You will have the strength to face any outcome that comes your way. You can demonstrate this to yourself by looking back at decisions you’ve made in the past and recognizing that even when things didn’t work out the way you had hoped, they still worked out. You are always capable of gaining insights from whatever outcome you are faced with. You are always able to learn more about yourself, no matter what occurs or does not occur. You are always able to find more strength than you knew you had, regardless of what happens. You are the key. You are the most important aspect of whatever the decision is about. Decide to make yourself the most powerful piece of the puzzle. Decide that you are capable of handling anything that comes your way and that you can always make course corrections. Decide that these things are true, and they most certainly will be. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”