你的揚升過程 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 在你揚升的過程中,你一直被要求要放下,但你要放下什麼呢?誰要求你放下呢?這不是要你去放下什麼東西,不是要去放下感情、親情、或情感關係,也不是要你放下自己的物質身體。你要放下的是「觀點」。 至於是誰要求你放下呢?就是那宇宙本身。因為你不可能帶著某些觀點而揚升到第五次元,實際上這是宇宙本身給你的選擇。 哪些想要參與體驗第三次元觀點的,他們就會被給予這樣的機會,但這並不表示他們比較不具靈性或較不進化。他們只是存粹的選擇去探索那些只能透過第三次元的觀點才能被探索到的經驗而已。 那些堅忍不拔的你們正選擇放下舊觀點而擁抱新觀點。那新觀點是無所不包容的、新觀點是擁抱差異的、新觀點是從一切萬事萬物之中看見其所具有的價值。 因為你們彼此之間的差異導致任何讓你有優劣之分的思想都是從的三次元的觀點而生。這些思想已經沒有辦法再利益你。因此,當你開始意識到它們後,你所要做的就是對它放下。你不需要修正任何事或改變任何事。 你只要提醒自己永遠可以選擇放下,並且一直持續的選擇放下直到你將自己錨定在新的觀點中,而這新的觀點是無所不在的,而你也不會質疑它們是不是真的存在。你會用它們去創造你的實相,而你所創造的實相將讓你感到興奮。它會是新的、有趣的、且為你疲憊的自我注入新的生命。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你們。 http://danielscranton.com/process-ascension-quan-yin/ 翻譯:陳威廷 Your Process of Ascension ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. In your process of ascension, you are being asked to let go, but what are you letting go of and who is doing the asking? The letting go is not of stuff. The letting go is not of relationships. And you are not letting go of your physical bodies. You are letting go of perspectives. As far as who is doing the asking, it is the universe itself. Because it is not possible to take certain perspectives with you to the fifth dimension, it is actually the universe itself that is giving you a choice. There are those who want to participate in the third dimensional perspective, and they are being given that opportunity. This does not make them less spiritual or less evolved. They are simply choosing to explore what can only be explored from a third dimensional perspective. And those of you who are hanging in there are choosing to let go of the old perspective of reality and to embrace a new one. The new perspective is one of inclusion. The new perspective embraces difference. The new perspective sees all as having value. Any thoughts that you have of being better or less than because of your differences with another are the ones that are coming to you from the third dimensional perspective. Those thoughts no longer serve you. And so when you become aware of them, all you need to do is let go. You don’t need to fix anything or change anything. Just remind yourselves that you can always choose to let go and to continue letting go until you anchor in the new perspectives that will become so ubiquitous that you will not even question their validity. You will use them to create your reality, and the reality that you create will excite you. It will be new, and it will be interesting, and it will breathe new life into your weary selves. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”