你的感受為何 是我,觀音 偽裝自己真實的感受將帶給你極大的傷害。你們時常問候對方「你好嗎?」,但你們常常不誠實回應。有時是因為你們沒有意識到自己真正的感受,有時是不想造成對方的負擔。還有時是因為和對方不熟所以覺得不方便表達自己真實的感受。 但無論是什麼理由讓你們不肯擁抱自己當前的狀態並且表達那感受,在那當下你們都不是「真實的存在著」(註一)。在那當下你不讓自己臨在(註二)。而無論你當下的感受為何,我建議你們都擁抱之並且接受之。我鼓勵你敞開心胸,「誠實的」面對自己當下的感受為何。 事實上,我建議你把與朋友分享真實的感受當成最重要的事。你一整天到底發生什麼事遠不比你對這些事情的感受來得重要。以往發生過的任何事和你如何感受它們比起來顯得微不足道。 『透過在每個當下「誠實的承認」(註三)自己的感受,就是讓自己觸及每個當下之於你最重要的意義(註四)。』實際上你必須仔細聆聽(註五)自己的感受以便誠實的、清楚的表達。也只有透過自己聆聽自己的感受後你才有辦法自由選擇你的感受。 重要的不只是「承認、認知」(註六)你的感受如何,還有你對「『你的感受如何』的感覺是什麼」(註七)。之後你才有可能選擇其他的感受。讓自己成為自己情緒狀態的創造者是有可能的。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/feel-quan-yin/ 註一:「真實的存在著」原文:you are not being authentic in that moment 註二:「讓自己臨在」原文:to be right where you are 註三:「誠實的承認」原文:telling the truth 註四:「讓自己觸及每個當下之於你最重要的意義」原文 you are putting yourself in touch with what is most significant in any moment. 此句不好翻譯。因此註解出讓大家體會原文意涵。 註五:「仔細聆聽」tune in to 註六:「承認、認知」原文acknowledge 註七:「你對『你的感受如何』的感覺是什麼」。原文 you feel how you feel。此句為本篇一大重點。特別註明原文讓大家體位原文意涵。 譯註:本篇文字雖然簡單,但是要將意思翻譯到位實在很難。所以做了許多註解。讓大家可以深刻的體會。 翻譯:陳威廷 How You Feel ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. Pretending that you are feeling something that you are not does you a great disservice. You often ask each other how you are doing, but most of the time you are not answering that question honestly. Sometimes you are simply unaware of how you are actually feeling, and sometimes you just don’t want to burden the other. Sometimes it seems inappropriate because you don’t know the other person very well. But whatever the reason is for not owning your current state of being and expressing it, you are not being authentic in that moment. You are not allowing yourself in that moment to be right where you are. And I recommend that you embrace and accept your current state of being, no matter what it is. I encourage you to be open and honest with how you feel. In fact, I suggest that you make it the most important thing that you share with another person. What has occurred throughout the course of your day is much less significant than how you feel about it. Anything that has occurred in your past is not nearly as important as how you feel about it now. By telling the truth about how it is you feel in any moment, you are putting yourself in touch with what is most significant in any moment. You actually have to tune in to how you feel in order to express it honestly and clearly. And only after you tune in to how you feel can you allow yourself the freedom to choose. It is important that you not only acknowledge how you feel, but also that you feel how you feel. And then it is possible to choose to feel something else. It is possible to be the conscious creator of your emotional state. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”