你的心❤ ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 你心所渴求的是最容易在你的實相中顯化的。你的心是「一切本源」(註一)的能量直接通往你的門戶。透過你的心來解譯與導入這個能量,它告訴你的莫過於你需要知道的。它引領著你,為你指明最能滿足你的自我的方向。 所以我建議你更頻繁的探索你的心,看看你對某個東西的欲求是從你的心而來;還是早先被設定好的。你一直被那些訊息疲勞轟炸著,那些訊息告訴著你你應該擁有什麼。他們試著說服你只要你買了那台車、只要你買了那間房子、只要你去旅遊,你就會擁有快樂! 但是你的心明瞭能滿足你的終極需求,它不斷地提供你這些資訊。所以當你想要知道你心所知道的,簡單的審視自己的心吧。將你對外在注意力的十分之一給你的心,你就可以看到你的生活多麼快速而且輕鬆的轉變。 在你心中有無限的空間,而且你正在往內在拓展,正如同你往外拓展一般。所以每當你探索你的內心時,你都可以找到新的東西、找到有趣的東西,也可以滿足你最善變的需求。 你可以透過這個心的門戶而經驗到所有的實相。這一切開始於將心視為一個感覺器官、一個「一切本源」能量的解譯器、一個「你本是愛」的傳送器。當你這樣做時,我保證你能更活潑的、更喜悅的體驗生命。 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/heart-quan-yin/ 註一:「一切本源」。原文 Source。 翻譯:陳威廷 Your Heart ∞Quan Yino “It is I, Quan Yin. Your heart’s desires are the easiest ones for you to manifest in your reality. Your heart is the gateway to the energy that comes to you directly from Source. Your heart is the interpreter and the filter of that energy. It tells you what you need to know, nothing more and nothing less. It gives you guidance, and it points you in a direction that will be most satisfying to your ego. So I recommend checking with your heart on a more regular basis and seeking to know whether something is a desire that comes from your heart, or whether it is a desire that you have been programmed to seek. You are constantly bombarded by messages that are telling you what you should want and that are attempting to convince you that you will only be happy if you have this car, or this house, or this vacation. But your heart knows what is ultimately satisfying to you. It is constantly providing you with that data. So when you want to know what your heart knows, simply check in with your heart. Give your heart one tenth of the attention that you give your external reality, and see how quickly and easily your life shifts. There is an infinite space within you, and you are expanding inwardly, just as you expand outwardly. So every time that you explore that heart center, you can find something new, something interesting, and something that will satisfy even the most fickle among you. You are capable of experiencing your entire reality through the gateway of your heart. Begin to see it as a sensory organ, as an interpreter, and as a transmitter of the love that you are. When you do so, I guarantee that you will experience life more vividly and with far more joy. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”