你所有的面向 ∞ 九次元大角星委員會 您好!我們是大角星委員會。我們非常樂意與您們連結。 當你準備好毫不保留的去探索你意識中最深、最廣的究竟時,你將揭露出許許多多自己不願意面對的面向。你與體驗完整的自己和成為完整的自己僅有一步之遙。僅剩的這一步之遙在於你害怕揭露這些你無法接受、無法原諒、無法去愛的自己。 圓滿的生命在於你必須接受自己擁有所有的面向,這意味著你要去面對那些久久不願意去面對的自己,因為你還無法去原諒、去接受、去愛那些面向的自己。你有能力去面對的,比你想像的容易。 當你見到別人做了令人髮指的事,可以肯定的是你的某個面向在其他世也有相同的行為。因此,為了統合你所有的面向以邁向更圓滿的生命,你必須可以原諒這髮指的人,以及他們的所作所為。但這並不容易。 你們通常透過克制自己不去做這些壞事來判定自己是不是個好人,但這樣做反而讓你們有機會去輕蔑別人。尤其是那些正在做,或做過這些事的人。但你的使命是去原諒他們,因為這就是無條件的愛,這就是慈悲的具體行動。 在你轉變的過程中確實會遇見令人譴責的人事物,但我們說的不是這種革命式的轉變。我們這裡談的是從「批判與責難」轉變到「慈悲與無條件的愛」。 這才是此一大轉變的精髓,它讓你有機會拋下過去的包袱。這個存在於第三次元二元對立的包袱,這包袱中有你的批判、有你的責難。但無論這批判與責難的對象是你自己、是他人、或是兩者都有,你要知道,當你批判與責難時,你本身也成為批評與責難的對相,你也身在其中。因為你無法體驗到你內在沒有的東西。從某個面向來說,它就是你,或它源自於你自己。 當我們請求你們愛自己時,我們是請你們愛自己的所有面向。我們知道這並不容易,但絕對值得。 我們是大角星委員會,與我們非常歡喜與您們連結。 http://danielscranton.com/all-aspects-of-you-∞the-9th-dimensional-arcturian-council/ 翻譯:陳威廷 All Aspects of You ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. When you are ready to explore your consciousness to the greatest extent that you possibly can, you are going to uncover a litany of aspects of who you are. You are almost ready to experience your whole selves and to become your whole selves. What blocks you from doing so is the fear that you will uncover something about yourself that you cannot reconcile, that you cannot forgive, and that you cannot love. To be a whole being means that you must accept all aspects of you, and that means uncovering the parts of you who are lingering around because they have not yet been forgiven, accepted, and loved. You hold the power to do this, and it’s easier than you might think. When you see someone in the outside world doing something that you find abhorrent, you can rest assured that there is an aspect of you that has done the exact same thing in another lifetime. So in order for you to move forward with the integration of all aspects of self, you must be able to forgive the person that you have become aware of, and their actions. It is not easy. You often determine your goodness by how you are capable of refraining from doing such things. That makes it easier to look down upon someone who is doing the thing, or who has done the thing, that you would never do. But this is your mission. This is what it means to be unconditional love. This is what it means to be compassion in action. There must be something, some condition, some action that you find reprehensible in order for you to make the shift. We are not talking about the big shift here. We are talking about making the shift from judgment and condemnation to compassion and unconditional love. That is in essence what the big shift is all about. It is an opportunity for you to leave all the baggage behind, the baggage of the third dimension, the baggage that contains your judgments, your condemnations, whether they be of yourself or others. Recognize this, however. When you experience a judgment, or a condemnation, or both, of someone else, you might as well be experiencing it of yourself, because you cannot become aware of something that you are not already in some way, shape, or form yourself. When we ask you to love yourselves, we are asking you to love all aspects of yourselves, and we know it is not always easy. But it is always worth it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”