你意識上的進化 ∞ 麥可天使長 歡迎,我們在此提供服務與協助。 「震動頻率」是「一切本源」表現所有存在面向的自然狀態。你沒有辦法停止「頻率震動」,但它卻可以被放慢或加快速度。放慢頻率震動將使你體驗到較為濃密的實相經驗,而加快頻率震動的速度將給你較為輕盈的實相經驗。 從這樣的角度去解釋你會發現沒有對錯的問題(註一),你做的所有選擇都給自己相對應實相經驗,這也是你絕對不會經歷到「一切本源」之審判的原因。 你永遠不會受到審判是因為你所選擇的頻率震動將使你與其他具有相同頻率震動的人事物共振。因此你們所有的存有都被給予機會去體驗某一個特殊的頻率震動。 一旦當你決定要提升自己的「震動頻率」,你就會從實相上、從自身上、從彼此之間獲得不同的體驗。「譴責」(註二)是一個低的頻率震動,它將使你卡在你原有的地方,並讓你一再體驗你已經體驗過的經驗。 這也是為什麼「接受」、「原諒」、與「釋懷」(註三)是前往更高頻率震動經驗的終極道路。隨之你會從那些你曾經譴責過的人事物上體驗到全然不同的實相經驗。而這就是你意識上的進化。 你意識上的進化是必然會發生的。當你展開意識上的旅途,你即可體驗到自己就是那具有「造物本質的存有」(註四),而這體驗就是進化上最大的滿足! 我們是麥可天使長!我們是永恆。我們是愛。 http://danielscranton.com/evolution-consciousness-archange…/ 註一:「沒有對錯的問題」。在高靈訊息中常會提到沒有對錯的問題,但卻容易被拿來當成傷害彼此的藉口。在此特別註明麥可天使長提到的「從這樣的角度去解釋你會發現沒有對錯的問題」。 註二:「譴責」。原文Condemnation,譴責、定罪、責備、批判。 註三:「接受」、「原諒」、「釋懷」。原文 acceptance, forgiveness, and letting go 註四:「造物本質的存有」。原文creator beings 翻譯:陳威廷 The Evolution of Your Consciousness ∞Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. Vibration is the natural state of being for all expressions of Source. You cannot stop vibrating, but it is possible to slow it down or to speed it up. Slowing it down gives you a denser experience of reality. Speeding it up gives you a lighter experience of reality. You can see from that explanation that there is no right and no wrong. These are all choices that you make to give yourselves an experience of reality. This is why you will never experience judgment from Source. You will never experience judgment because the speed at which you choose to vibrate puts you in harmony with others who are vibrating at that speed. So you are all being given the opportunity to have an experience of that particular frequency of vibration. And as you all decide that you want to raise your vibration, you get to have a different experience of reality, of yourselves, and of one another. Condemnation is of a lower vibration, and it will keep you stuck right where you are, having the same type of experience that you’ve been having. And that is what makes acceptance, forgiveness, and letting go your ultimate pathways to a higher vibrational experience. And then you get to have a whole new reality with different versions of the same people that you once condemned. That is evolution. That is the evolution of your consciousness, and that is inevitable. When you make this a conscious journey, however, you experience yourselves as creator beings. And that is truly the most satisfying experience of your evolution. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”