你就是整個宇宙 — 麥可天使長 相信自己有能力可以超越自己過去的極限,這是你即將做到的。我們說的不是去相信自己有能力顯化啦、連結自己的指導靈啦、或是得到任何種類的超靈力。我們這裡所說的能力是指你可以改變自己觀點的能力,將自己的觀點從過去的「你是寄生在宇宙當中」改變成「你就是整個宇宙」。 為了獲得所有你所尋求的力量與能力,這樣的一個信仰跳躍必須靠你自己完成。有了這樣的意願,你多面相的自己將如指導靈般的指導你。 如果你把這個世界當成一個之於你之外的東西,而你只是寄生其中,你就是在為難你自己。在這樣內、外的界定之下,你讓自己必須與外在的力量抗衡。但是如果你將自己視為這唯一的「原力」(註一),而這整個宇宙就是你「原力」的一部分,這樣一來你就擁有了你所尋求的輕鬆自如,你也將以超乎想像的方式享受你的生活。 所以要怎麼做到呢?要怎麼樣讓這「原力覺醒」呢(註二)?那就從改變與這個宇宙互動的方式開始吧。把所有的一切都當成在你之內,與這宇宙說話就如同對自己說話一般,全然的體認到你是「被聽見的」!在你用任何方式與週遭互動之前,先感覺之、感受之(註三)!你可以透過這種方式來擴展你的意識。開始去體驗這整個宇宙都是以不同形式展現出來的你吧! 我們是麥可天使長,我們是永恆,我們是愛。 註一:原文為 force。星際大戰中的「原力」是 "the Force"。這邊故意翻譯成「原力」以讓大家更能體會到本訊息的含義! 註二:原文 awaken to this knowing 。這邊故意翻譯成「原力覺醒」。以讓讀者聯想到「星際大戰七部曲:原力覺醒」 註三:原文是 by feeling for what is around you。這裡翻譯成「感覺之、感受之」,特意避開「感覺它、感受它」。如果使用「它」這第三人稱代名詞將還是帶入內、外分離的觀念,與本訊息所傳達的觀念矛盾。因此在此使用「之」以減少這種感覺。 http://danielscranton.com/universe-archangel-michael/ 翻譯:陳威廷 You As the Universe – Archangel Michael “Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you. Believing in your ability to stretch yourselves beyond where you have been before is what you are about to accomplish. We are not talking about believing in your abilities to manifest, or to connect with your guides, or to have any type of supernatural power. The ability that we are referring to is the ability to perceive yourselves as the universe you once thought you inhabited. This is the leap of faith that is necessary for you to manifest, for you to have all of the other powers and abilities that you seek. Even your willingness to see your guides as aspects of you will give you that connection that you desire. As long as you see the universe as something outside of you that you exist within, you make it harder on yourselves. You put yourselves up against forces that also must exist outside of you. But as you begin to see yourselves as the only force, and as you begin to see the universe as a part of that force that you are, you will have the ease that you seek and you will enjoy your existence beyond measure. So how do you accomplish this? How do you awaken to this knowing? Start by interacting with your world differently. See everything as an inside job. Talk to the universe in the same way that you talk to yourself, with full recognition that you are being heard. Seek to expand your consciousness, and do so by feeling for what is around you before interacting with it in any other way. Begin to experience all of it as you, expressing in another physical form. We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”