不帶期待的創造 ∞ 觀音 是我,觀音。 當你期待一件事發生時,你就與「發生」之間產生了關係。你就與「發生與否」之間產生了關係。接下來就是一連串的過程去揭開通往你所期待的事物之門,透過這樣你給自己的不只是你所期待的;還有你所想要的。 這是你的策略,你的遊戲計劃。但是如果你換個新策略會怎麼樣?如果所有期待都是一種侷限,而你敞開心胸迎接當下所有的可能性會怎麼樣?如果你打破實相的禁錮;取而代之擁有更流暢(註一)的實相會怎麼樣? 我想你會更有樂趣,你會為不帶著預期之下所創造出來的結果感到極其震驚。我給你的建議是多與實相共舞。在共舞中,你時而引領;時而跟隨。但是你從不精心策劃舞步,因為你享受這樣隨心所欲地跳著。這隨心所欲可以讓奇蹟發生,讓一切更有趣。 所以放下一切都要精準計畫的需求。相反的,讓自己認識一種新的方法。讓自己去體驗沒有極限是什麼樣,與那能量交融是什麼樣。將自己的意識帶到心領神會(註二)的狀態。你在夢想時要這樣做。而我的建議是,你把這樣的意識帶到你清醒的時刻,所以你能帶入更多的能量,進而無中生有的創造不可思議的奇蹟,而它們會讓你震撼與興奮! 我是觀音,我用心守護著你。 http://danielscranton.com/creation-expectation-quan-yin/ 註一:「流暢」原文 fluid。像水一樣流動順暢之意。 註二:「心領神會」原文 fluidity。在這裡不再翻譯成「流暢」。故議成「心領神會」 翻譯:陳威廷 Creation Without Expectation ∞Quan Yin “It is I, Quan Yin. When you expect something to happen, you create a relationship with that occurrence. You put yourself in relationship to whether it happens or not. Then you have a process of unlocking the gateway to that which you expect, and this is your way of giving yourselves not only what you expect but what you want. This is your strategy, your game plan. But what if you were to shift to a new strategy? What if you were to see expectations as limitations and instead open yourselves up to the infinite possibilities that exist in your now moment? What if you were to get less concrete and more fluid with your reality? I think you would have more fun. I think that you would be wonderfully surprised by what you can create when you have no expectations. What I am recommending is more of a dance with reality. And in the dance, sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow. But you never choreograph, because you enjoy spontaneity too much. Spontaneity allows for miracles to occur. It allows for more fun. So let go of your need to create with precision. And instead, let a new approach in to your awareness. Let yourselves experience what it is like to be limitless, to be engaged with energy. And bring your consciousness into a state of fluidity. You do this when you dream. And what I am suggesting is that you bring that consciousness to your waking state, so that you can bring more energy forth and create from nothingness miraculous wonders that will thrill and excite you. I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”