不帶批判的觀察 -- 麥可天使長







註一:原文 “without getting triggered by it ”,在此我翻譯成「不為外境所動」。如果直接翻譯將是「不被它所觸發」,但是直接翻譯「觸發」比較詞不達意。所以在此使用「不為外境所動」

註二:「為外境所轉」原文為“having just been triggered”

註三:原文 “the place that you ultimately want to go.”,本來想翻譯成「引領你到究竟」。但是礙於「究竟」這兩字本身定義就很模糊,因此還是翻譯成「最終想去的地方」

註四:翻譯「利益身邊所有的存有」原文為 “to be of service to all beings involved“。”to be of service” 翻譯成「利益」。” All beings” 泛指所有的一切生命,常見的翻譯是「眾生」。但是「眾生」二字較為宗教化,考慮到不同信仰之間的閱讀習慣,因此翻譯成「存有」。




Observing Without Judgment – Archangel Michael

“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.

The willingness to observe without judgment is a skill that you will all master as you shift into a fifth dimensional frequency state. Making an observation without getting triggered by it enables you to make an informed decision. Decisions that are made from that place of having just been triggered will not lead you to the place that you ultimately want to go.

We suggest that you make a habit of being in observation mode. We are not suggesting that you detach from your emotional bodies. But what we are saying is that you can set forth the intention to observe without judgment and simply be with whatever situation is before you, whether it is something you are witnessing in your own lives, in the lives of those close to you, or some news story you are aware of.

The ability to look upon a situation without needing for it to be right or wrong is a strength. It is empowering, and it puts you in a place where you are more likely to be of service to all beings involved. As soon as you judge and take a side, you are no longer being of service. But when you seek to be the light and the love that the situation is calling for, and you bring it without hesitation, you enable all parties involved to find that place of non-judgment and to reconcile the differences between them.

You are much more powerful in non-judgmental observation than you are in taking a side, gathering numbers, and seeking to defeat, no matter what it is. So give yourselves the opportunity to observe, to be of service, and to allow others to follow your example.

We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”